General Terms and Conditions


PR agency PRO
Karin Schloß
Theodor-Storm-Str. 8
76764 Rheinzabern

- in the following: PR Agency PRO -

1. general

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all contracts concluded between PR Agentur PRO and the customer.
1.2 PR Agentur PRO offers the customer, among other things, services in the area of website creation and development (including maintenance and care). The specific scope of services is the subject of individual agreements between PR Agentur PRO and the customer.
1.3 PR Agentur PRO does not conclude any contracts with consumers or private individuals.
1.4 PR Agentur PRO is entitled to subcontract the necessary services in its own name and for its own account to subcontractors, who in turn may also use subcontractors. PR Agency PRO shall remain the sole contractual partner of the customer in this respect. Subcontractors shall not be used if it is apparent to PR Agentur PRO that their use would run counter to the legitimate interests of the customer.
1.5 The contracting parties undertake to each appoint a contact person who will accompany the respective order and who is authorized to make legally binding declarations of intent.
1.6 PR Agentur PRO does not recognize any GTC used by the customer that deviate from these terms and conditions - subject to express consent.

2. obligations of the customer to cooperate

2.1 If the customer provides PR Agentur PRO with texts, images or other content, the customer must ensure that this content does not violate the rights of third parties (e.g. copyrights) or other legal norms. In this context, it is pointed out that PR Agentur PRO is not legally entitled to provide legal advice to the customer. In particular, PR Agentur PRO is not obliged and legally not in a position to check the customer's business model and/or the works (layouts, graphics, texts, etc.) created or acquired by the customer for their compatibility with applicable law. In particular, PR Agency PRO shall not carry out any trademark searches or other checks for conflicting property rights in relation to the works provided by the customer. If the customer issues specific instructions regarding the work to be produced, he shall be liable for this himself.
2.2 The customer shall be obliged to provide the information, data, works (e.g. data for the imprint, graphics, etc.) and accesses provided by him for the purpose of fulfilling the order completely and correctly. He shall also ensure that the instructions he issues comply with applicable law.
2.3 Subject to deviating individual agreements, the customer shall be responsible for procuring the material for the design of the websites and other works (e.g. graphics, videos) and shall provide this to PR Agency PRO in good time. If the customer does not provide these and does not make any further specifications, PR Agentur PRO may, at its own discretion, use image material from common providers (e.g. stock photo service providers) or provide the corresponding parts of the website with a placeholder, taking into account the copyright labeling requirements.
2.4 If the conclusion of an order processing contract pursuant to Art. 28 GDPR is required for individual order components, both contracting parties undertake to conclude such a contract - to be provided by PR Agentur PRO - before the start of service provision.
2.5 PR Agentur PRO shall not be liable to the customer in any way for delays and delays in the implementation of projects caused by late (necessary) cooperation or input from the customer.
2.6 If the customer fails to meet its obligations under this section, PR Agentur PRO may charge the customer for the additional expenses incurred as a result (e.g. costs for stock photos and time spent searching for them).

3. website development with the help of agile methods

3.1 Sofern keine abweichenden Individualvereinbarungen getroffen wurden, erfolgt die Webseitenerstellung auf Grundlage agiler Methoden. Die übrigen Regelungen dieser AGB bleiben unberührt. Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) wird nur geschuldet, wenn sie ausdrücklich vereinbart wurde.
3.2 Gegenstand von Webseiten-Erstellungsverträgen zwischen PR Agentur PRO und dem Kunden ist grundsätzlich die Entwicklung neuer Webseiten oder die Erweiterung bestehender Webseiten (z.B. Einbinden neuer Schnittstellen) unter Beachtung der technischen und/oder gestalterischen Vorgaben des Kunden. Zwischen den Parteien geschlossene Webseiten-Erstellungsverträge sind Werkverträge im Sinne von §§ 631 ff. BGB.
3.3 Soweit nicht anders vereinbart sind die die erstellten Webseiten für alle gängigen Browser in ihrer jeweils aktuellen Fassungen optimiert (jeweils die letzten zwei Versionen des Browsers). Eine Optimierung für Mobilgeräte ist nur geschuldet, wenn dies ausdrücklich vereinbart wurde
3.4 Die im Einzelnen vereinbarten Leistungen ergeben sich aus dem zwischen PR Agentur PRO und dem Kunden individuell abgeschlossenen Vertrag. Hierzu stellt der Kunde bei PR Agentur PRO zunächst eine Anfrage mit einer möglichst genauen Beschreibung der von ihm gewünschten Webseiten-Inhalte (gestalterische Inhalte wie Bilder, Layouts, Logos u.Ä. sind vom Kunden festzulegen und zur Verfügung zu stellen). Diese Anfrage stellt eine Aufforderung zur Abgabe eines Angebots durch PR Agentur PRO dar. PR Agentur PRO wird die in der Anfrage beschriebenen Vorstellungen des Kunden nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen auf Vollständigkeit, Geeignetheit, Eindeutigkeit, Realisierbarkeit und Widerspruchsfreiheit prüfen und auf Grundlage der aus der Kundenanfrage hervorgehenden Wünsche ein Angebot erstellen. Erst durch die Annahme des Angebots durch den Kunden kommt ein Vertrag zwischen PR Agentur PRO und dem Kunden zustande.
3.5 Die Prüfung oder Beschaffung von Rechten, die Beschaffung von Tools (z.B. Statistik) oder Zertifikaten (z.B. SSL / TLS) oder die Überlassung einer Entwicklungs-, Anwendungs- oder sonstigen Dokumentation sind von PR Agentur PRO nur dann zu erbringen, soweit dies individualvertraglich ausdrücklich vereinbart ist.
3.6 Der Kunde kann nach vorheriger Anfrage auf die Entwicklungsseite zugreifen und Kundenwünsche einbringen, soweit diese vom ursprünglich vereinbarten Leistungsumfang gedeckt sind. Derartige Anpassungen werden Bestandteil des ursprünglichen Vertrags, wenn beide Vertragsparteien in Textform (d.h. z.B. per E-Mail, Telefax o.Ä.) zustimmen. Im Übrigen ist PR Agentur PRO nur zur Herstellung der im Vertrag aufgelisteten Funktionen/Positionen bzw. zur Erbringung der vereinbarten Dienstleistung (z.B. Wartung) verpflichtet. Darüberhinausgehende Leistungen müssen gesondert vereinbart und vergütet werden.
3.7 Das Angebot von PR Agentur PRO enthält in der Regel eine „Musterseite“ oder einen „Online-Gestaltungsvorschlag“, deren Format und Inhalte von PR Agentur PRO nach freiem Ermessen ausgewählt werden; es besteht kein Anspruch auf bestimmte gestalterische Elemente oder Funktionen. Sofern eine Einigung auf Grundlage der „Musterseite“ oder des „Online-Gestaltungsvorschlags“ nicht möglich ist, kommt kein Vertrag zustande; der potenzielle Kunde hat in diesem Fall keinen Anspruch auf Herausgabe der „Musterseite“ oder des „Online-Gestaltungsvorschlags“ oder der dazugehörigen Quellcodes, Kopien o.Ä. Beim Kunden verbleibende Kopien sind zu löschen oder an PR Agentur PRO herauszugeben.
3.8 Sobald die Webseite fertiggestellt wurde, wird PR Agentur PRO den Kunden zur Abnahme der Webseite auffordern.
3.9 Voraussetzung für die Tätigkeit von PR Agentur PRO ist, dass der Kunde sämtliche für die Umsetzung des Projekts erforderliche Daten (Texte, Vorlagen, Grafiken etc.) PR Agentur PRO vor Auftragsbeginn vollständig in geeigneter Form zur Verfügung stellt. Kommt der Kunde dieser Verpflichtung nicht nach, kann PR Agentur PRO dem Kunden den hierdurch entstehenden Zeitaufwand in Rechnung stellen.
3.10 Ein Anspruch auf die Herausgabe von Grafiken, Quellcodes, (Entwicklungs-)Dokumentationen, Handbücher und sonstiger Zusatzdokumentation besteht – vorbehaltlich abweichender ausdrücklicher Individualvereinbarungen – nicht.
3.11 Die Vergütung für die Webseiten-Erstellung ist Gegenstand einer individualvertraglichen Vereinbarung zwischen den Parteien. Im Übrigen finden die gesetzlichen Vorschriften Anwendung.
3.12 Sofern der Kunde für die neue Webseite keine Hosting-Dienstleistungen von PR Agentur PRO, sondern von Drittanbietern in Anspruch nimmt, übernimmt PR Agentur PRO keine Verantwortung für die jeweiligen Server und deren Konfiguration, die Datenleitungen und/oder die Abrufbarkeit der Webseite.

4. special provisions for the maintenance of websites

4.1 After completion of the website and/or individual parts thereof, PR Agency PRO may offer the customer maintenance and care services in relation to the website. PR Agentur PRO may also offer the maintenance of third-party websites. However, PR Agentur PRO is not obliged to make such an offer, nor does the customer have to make use of the further services offered by PR Agentur PRO. Corresponding agreements are exclusively the subject of individual agreements.
4.2 The content of the maintenance contracts is the elimination of malfunctions and the event-driven updating of the website for common web browsers in their respective current version. Further details, such as regular maintenance, may be agreed in individual contracts.
4.3 The prerequisite for maintenance is that the content to be maintained is compatible with PR Agentur PRO's systems. Compatibility may be impaired in particular by outdated components of the content to be maintained or by unauthorized changes on the part of the customer. If compatibility is not guaranteed, the customer must establish this independently (e.g. by means of appropriate updates) or commission PR Agentur PRO separately to establish compatibility.
4.4 PR Agentur PRO shall not be liable for malfunctions and incompatibilities caused by unauthorized changes made by the customer or due to other errors for which PR Agentur PRO is not responsible; the provisions under "Liability and indemnification" shall remain unaffected.
4.5 Unless otherwise agreed, maintenance shall only include the technical updating of the website, but not the updating of its content. In particular, PR Agentur PRO is not responsible for updating the legal notice or the privacy policy.

5. web hosting and domain registration

5.1 PR Agency PRO also offers the customer hosting and domain registration services, in particular as an additional option in the context of website creation. The specific scope of services (domain registration, storage space, certificates, etc.) is the subject of individual agreements between the parties. PR Agentur PRO is entitled to make use of third-party services in any form in connection with the provision of hosting services.
5.2 Unless otherwise agreed, PR Agentur PRO shall be responsible for the administration and management of the data in the event of an assignment as hoster. The customer shall not be granted access to the administration backend of the hosting system. Upon request, however, the customer may receive access to the administration backend of the hosting system.
5.3 The availability of the servers used by PR Agentur PRO for hosting purposes is at least 99% on an annual average. This does not include times during which the servers are unavailable due to events beyond the control of PR Agentur PRO (force majeure, acts of third parties, technical problems, etc.).
5.4 Unless otherwise agreed, the customer is not entitled to the assignment of a fixed IP address for its Internet presence. Changes for technical or legal reasons are possible at any time and are reserved.
5.5 The customer is obliged not to pass on his passwords and other access data - insofar as these have been made available to him by PR Agency PRO - to third parties and to change them regularly. The customer shall be responsible for any misuse by third parties for which he is responsible.
5.6 The customer is obliged to make regular back-up copies of his hosted data. If the customer is unable to do so, he must commission PR Agentur PRO or other suitable third parties with the backup. The customer shall be liable for any loss of data resulting from a lack of data backup.
5.7 If the customer uses domain registration services from PR Agentur PRO, the following shall apply in addition:
5.7.1 The contractual relationship required to register the respective domain shall be established directly between the customer and the respective domain registry or registrar. PR Agency PRO acts merely as an intermediary in the relationship between the customer and the registry, without having any influence of its own on the allocation of the domain.
5.7.2 The customer bears full responsibility for ensuring that the domain requested by him does not infringe any third-party rights. A verification of the domain is not owed.
5.7.3 For the registration of domains, the respective conditions of the individual registries apply in addition. PR Agentur PRO shall inform the customer of any special features in the event of an intended registration.

6. print

6.1 The subject of design contracts in the print sector between PR Agency PRO and the customer is generally the development of the customer's design specifications for print products (e.g. design of banners, post graphics, posters, flyers, vehicle or shop window stickers, textiles or logo designs). Design contracts concluded between the parties are contracts for work within the meaning of § 631 ff. BGB. A deviating scope of services may be agreed between the parties in individual contracts.
6.2 The services agreed in detail result from the individual contract concluded between PR Agency PRO and the client. To this end, the customer shall first submit an inquiry to PR Agentur PRO with as precise a description as possible of the design services it requires. This inquiry constitutes an invitation to PR Agentur PRO to submit an offer. PR Agentur PRO will check the customer's ideas described in the inquiry to the best of its knowledge and belief for completeness, suitability (with the exception of legal suitability, in particular with regard to the rights of third parties), clarity, feasibility and consistency and will prepare an offer on the basis of the wishes arising from the customer's inquiry. A contract between PR Agency PRO and the customer shall only come into effect when the customer accepts the offer.
6.3 After the contract has been concluded, the customer's requirements shall be discussed in a further briefing, if necessary, and the specifications concretized. At this time, customer requests can be introduced, provided they are covered by the originally agreed scope of services. If necessary, there is the option of a rebriefing before the service is produced. Adjustments shall become part of the original contract if both contracting parties agree in text form. Otherwise, PR Agency PRO is only obliged to produce the items listed in the contract. Any additional services must be agreed and paid for separately.
6.4 As soon as the agreed object of performance has been completed, PR Agentur PRO shall request the customer to accept the work.
6.5 Unless otherwise agreed, the customer shall be entitled to two correction loops. Complaints regarding the artistic design are generally excluded. If the customer wishes to make further changes, he shall bear the additional costs.
6.6 A prerequisite for PR Agentur PRO's work is that the customer provides PR Agentur PRO with all data required for the implementation of the project (texts, templates, graphics, etc.) in full and in a suitable form before the start of the order. PR Agentur PRO shall not be liable to the customer in any way for delays and delays in the implementation of projects caused by late (necessary) cooperation or input from the customer. If the client does not fulfill this obligation, PR Agency PRO may invoice the client for the time spent as a result.
6.7 Remuneration is the subject of an individual contractual agreement between the parties. In all other respects, the statutory provisions shall apply.
6.8 Unless otherwise contractually agreed and not otherwise to be expected from the purpose of the contract, PR Agency PRO shall only owe the delivery of a print file (e.g. PDF, JPG or PNG) in addition to the contractually agreed service items when creating print products. The customer is not entitled to receive an editable file (e.g. Word, Indesign).

7. video and photography

7.1 PR Agency PRO creates professional videos and photographs for its clients. The services agreed in detail result from the individual contract concluded between PR Agency PRO and the customer. To this end, the client shall first submit an inquiry to PR Agentur PRO with as precise a description as possible of the services required. This request constitutes an invitation to PR Agentur PRO to submit an offer. PR Agency PRO will check the customer's ideas described in the inquiry to the best of its knowledge and belief for completeness, suitability (with the exception of legal suitability, in particular with regard to the rights of third parties), clarity, feasibility and consistency and will prepare an offer on the basis of the wishes arising from the customer's inquiry. A contract between PR Agency PRO and the customer shall only come into effect when the customer accepts the offer.
7.2 The customer's specifications shall be taken into account to the best of PR Agency PRO's knowledge and belief. The contracting parties acknowledge that the creation of videos and photographs is a creative service that requires a high degree of artistic freedom. PR Agency PRO therefore only owes the creation of a work that corresponds to the customer's wishes according to its own experience and assessment. Complaints regarding the artistic design are generally excluded.
7.3 Unless otherwise agreed, the customer shall be entitled to two correction loops with regard to the image processing (e.g. using filters and effects) of the photographs created; however, a new creation of the photographs is excluded. Complaints regarding the artistic design are generally excluded. If the customer wishes to make further changes, he must bear the additional costs
7.4 If the customer provides persons for the creation of the video or photographs (e.g. his employees or professional models), he is solely responsible for ensuring that the persons concerned have consented to the use of the photographs. In particular, the client is responsible for concluding suitable model release contracts and obtaining GDPR-compliant employee commitments.
7.5 As soon as the agreed service has been completed, PR Agency PRO shall request the client to accept the work.
7.6 Unless otherwise agreed in the individual contract, PR Agency PRO may demand that a suitable copyright notice be placed in an appropriate place on the works created.
7.7 Unless otherwise contractually agreed and not otherwise to be expected from the purpose of the contract, the customer shall generally only receive recordings that have been fully processed for the respective purpose. The customer shall not be entitled to receive the raw data or editable files (RAW files or similar).

8. SEO marketing and SEA campaigns

8.1 PR Agency PRO offers the client services in the area of SEO marketing, among others. As part of the provision of services, PR Agency PRO shall only be responsible for the implementation of measures which, in PR Agency PRO's own experience, can positively influence the search engine ranking or which are expressly ordered by the client. This is a service within the meaning of §§ 611 ff. BGB (GERMAN CIVIL CODE). However, a specific result (e.g. a specific ranking in the Google hit list) is only owed within the scope of SEO services if this has been expressly guaranteed. Marketing services can be canceled by either party to the contract with a notice period of one (1) month.
8.2 PR Agency PRO also offers the customer services in the area of SEA campaigns. As part of the provision of services, PR Agency PRO shall only be responsible for submitting proposals for effective keywords and, following approval by the customer, for implementing the measure (placement of advertisements). These are services within the meaning of §§ 611 ff. BGB (GERMAN CIVIL CODE). A specific result (e.g. sales figures) is not owed within the scope of SEA services, unless this has been expressly guaranteed. In addition to the claim to remuneration for the service, PR Agentur PRO shall have a claim to reimbursement of expenses with regard to the chargeable advertisements vis-à-vis the customer. PR Agentur PRO is not obliged to check the legality of keywords. PR Agency PRO shall make suggestions to the customer regarding the booking of keywords. The customer is responsible for the legal examination, in particular with regard to the trademark rights of third parties, and for approving the keywords before the campaign is carried out.

9 Prices and remuneration

The remuneration for the creation of the website or for other orders is the subject of an individual contractual agreement between the parties and is generally based on the offer.

10. acceptance

If a work performance has been agreed, PR Agency PRO may demand that acceptance take place in writing; written acceptance is only owed if PR Agency PRO requests the customer to do so. The acceptance provisions of the German Civil Code shall otherwise remain unaffected. The acceptance period within the meaning of Section 640 (2) sentence 1 BGB is set at 2 weeks from notification of completion of the work, unless a longer acceptance period is required in individual cases due to special circumstances, in which case PR Agency PRO shall notify the customer separately. If the customer does not respond within this period or does not refuse acceptance due to a defect, the work shall be deemed accepted.

11. warranty for defects

An insignificant defect shall not justify any claims for defects. PR Agency PRO shall be entitled to choose the type of subsequent performance. The limitation period for defects and other claims shall be one (1) year; this shortening of the limitation period shall not apply to claims resulting from intent, gross negligence or injury to life, limb or health by PR Agentur PRO. The limitation period shall not recommence if a replacement delivery is made within the scope of liability for defects. Otherwise, the statutory warranty for defects remains unaffected.

12. contract term for continuing obligations

Subject to deviating provisions in and outside of these GTC, continuing obligations (e.g. maintenance contracts) have a minimum term of 6 months. The notice period is one (1) month. If the contract is not terminated in due time at the end of the term, it is automatically extended by a further 6 months. The right to extraordinary termination for good cause remains unaffected.

13. granting of rights, self-promotion and right of mention

13.1 PR Agency PRO shall grant the customer - after full payment of the order by the customer - a simple right of use to the corresponding work results and/or the respective source codes at the time of their creation. Further rights may be agreed between the parties by means of an individual contractual agreement.
13.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the customer expressly grants PR Agency PRO permission to present the project to the public in an appropriate manner for the purpose of self-promotion (references/portfolio). In particular, PR Agency PRO is entitled to advertise the business relationship with the customer and to refer to itself as the author on all advertising materials created and in all advertising measures, without the customer being entitled to any remuneration for this.
13.3 Furthermore, PR Agency PRO is entitled to place its own name with a link in an appropriate manner in the footer and in the imprint of the website(s) created by PR Agency PRO, without the customer being entitled to any remuneration for this.

14. confidentiality

PR Agency PRO shall treat as strictly confidential all business transactions of which PR Agency PRO becomes aware, in particular, but not exclusively, print documents, layouts, storyboards, figures, drawings, tapes, images, videos, DVDs, CD-ROMs, interactive products and such other documents containing films and/or radio plays and/or other copyrighted materials of the client or its affiliated companies. PR Agency PRO undertakes to impose this confidentiality obligation on all employees and/or third parties (e.g. suppliers, graphic designers, programmers, film producers, sound studios, etc.) who have access to the aforementioned business transactions. The confidentiality obligation shall apply indefinitely beyond the term of this contract.

15 Liability / Indemnification

15.1 PR Agentur PRO's liability for all damages shall be limited as follows: In the event of a slightly negligent breach of a material contractual obligation ("cardinal obligation"), PR Agentur PRO's liability shall be limited in each case to the amount of damage foreseeable at the time of conclusion of the contract and typical for the contract. Cardinal obligations are those obligations whose fulfillment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance a party may regularly rely. This limitation of liability shall not apply in the event of gross negligence or willful misconduct or in the event of mandatory statutory liability, in particular in the event of the assumption of a guarantee or culpable injury to life, limb or health. The above liability provision shall also apply with regard to PR Agentur PRO's liability for vicarious agents and legal representatives.
15.2 The customer shall indemnify PR Agentur PRO against any third-party claims asserted against PR Agentur PRO due to violations of these GTC or applicable law by the customer.

16. final provisions

16.1 The contracts concluded between PR Agentur PRO and the customer are subject to the substantive law of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
16.2 If the customer is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, or has no general place of jurisdiction in Germany, the parties agree that the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contractual relationship shall be the registered office of PR Agentur PRO; exclusive places of jurisdiction shall remain unaffected.
16.3 PR Agentur PRO is entitled to amend these GTC for objectively justified reasons (e.g. changes in case law, the legal situation, market conditions or business or corporate strategy) and subject to a reasonable period of notice. Existing customers will be notified of this by e-mail at least two weeks before the change comes into effect. If the existing customer does not object within the deadline set in the notification of change, their consent to the change shall be deemed to have been granted. In the event of an objection, PR Agency PRO shall be entitled to terminate the contract extraordinarily with effect from the date on which the change comes into force. The notification of the intended amendment to these Terms of Use shall refer to the deadline and the consequences of an objection or failure to object.