
BuddyBoss application example club / association

Intelligent club / association management with BuddyBoss

Where is the topic of "community" more important than in a club or association?

BuddyBoss can also be used very well for a club.

We have already reported on BuddyBoss in various places.

Please read our article "BuddyBoss" first.

Question: What is the basic characteristic of a club or association?

The basic characteristic of a club or association is "THE COMMUNITY". BuddyBoss as a community plugin for WordPress can more than adequately serve this basic feature. But the question now arises as to why we recommend BuddyBoss for clubs or associations.

BuddyBoss and group formation

BuddyBoss can be used to form "groups". We could also call these communities of interest. Various authorizations can be assigned to the groups. Groups can be visible or invisible. You can become a member of a group automatically and/or by request and much more. News can be posted within a group. In addition, messages can be sent to individual members or to all members of a group. If Zoom is connected, you can start a Zoom meeting directly from a group and the group members are automatically notified.

The invisible groups are of course only visible to assigned group members - including the news for this group.

BuddyBoss and the forums

BuddyBoss can also be used to offer forum discussions. You have the option of assigning a forum discussion to a group.

The main benefits of BuddyBoss for a club or association

By forming groups, it is possible to address members specifically. Messages are automated without the need to send time-consuming emails. The success of using BuddyBoss stands and falls with an intelligent group structure.

Additional source of income for clubs / associations

In conjunction with Learndash, learning courses can be offered on a club / association website. If required, these courses can be "sold", i.e. monetized. They can be priced as desired. The courses can be made available to association members free of charge. For non-association members, a subscription can be offered, etc. There are no limits to the imagination here. In any case, such an installation can be an additional source of income for clubs and associations.