BuddyBoss - the ultimate community plugin for WordPress


What is BuddyBoss?

Buddyboss is therefore one of the best plugins for WordPress that can be used to build online communities. But BuddyBoss can do much more!

In the digital era, online communities and e-learning platforms have become essential components of social and educational life.

BuddyBoss, a leading platform in this field, offers comprehensive solutions for the creation and management of

  • Online communities,
  • Member pages and
  • E-learning platforms.


BuddyBoss is based on WordPress, the world's most popular content management system. Through this integration, BuddyBoss offers high customizability and ease of use, making it an attractive option for individuals and organizations looking to create online communities or learning platforms.
activity feed
buddyboss screenshot

Main features

  • Member profiles: Users can create and manage detailed profiles.
  • Social groups: Enables the formation of communities with common interests.
  • Forums: Discussion platforms for the exchange of ideas and information.
  • Integration with learning management systems (LMS): Compatibility with LearnDash in particular enables the creation of advanced e-learning platforms.

Buddyboss - the basis for modern and contemporary websites

As already mentioned, Buddyboss is primarily a plugin for WordPress that allows you to create community websites. But that is too simple and too mundane. This system can do much more than that. If you think a little "around the corner", you can achieve much more with this system:


With BuddyBoss for Education, you can improve the classroom experience, boost student achievement and increase graduation rates.

Online courses

Create online courses with a collaborative learning experience on web, iOS and Android. The only web/mobile platform that enables online learning and scalable communities for course creators. No matter how big your knowledge business gets, BuddyBoss grows with you.

Branding / brand building

Empower your community however you want. No control, no restrictions, no limitations. Drive conversations, foster brand loyalty and build stronger relationships with your community.

Professional networks

Bring people from every industry together in a private network to learn and connect. Promote the careers of your community with online courses, exclusive events, job fairs and much more.

Shop-in-shop platform

Build an interactive online marketplace


Build an online coaching business that gives clients exactly what they need, when they need it. Increase engagement, retention and results with powerful online learning and community features.

Social network

Empower your community however you want. No monitoring, no restrictions, no limits. Control your privacy, data and users.

Customer service system

Interact with your customers at all times and offer a better service


Branding with Buddy boss / Customer loyalty through community building

An online community enables your customers to connect with your brand. Members can discuss various topics in forums and groups. As the website operator, you can also take part in the discussions. In fact, this is expressly desired.

Having your own online community with your customers can help you,

  • Build loyalty,
  • collect feedback,
  • create more value and encourage your audience to engage with your brand in a lasting and sustainable way.


With the BuddyBoss app integration, you can launch your own mobile app and keep your community connected on the go.

BuddyBoss as a learning platform with LMS

The ideal learning management system for Buddy Boss is Learndash. We have already reported on it in detail in an article. An LMS is always used when the learning content can be standardized. But what if the learning content cannot be standardized?

Buddy boss as a learning platform WITHOUT the use of an LMS

When you think of elearning, you automatically think of an LMS (Learning Management System). With an LMS, elearning environments or learning portals can be set up. Various topics can be learned online using video, text and interactivity.

However, an LMS is not always necessary when it comes to setting up an online learning offer. Buddyboss' group formation and zoom connection make it possible to offer online learning opportunities without an LMS. If the learning offers cannot be standardized, it is possible to solve this with the intelligent group formation of BuddyBoss. You can also monetize learning offers in this variant.

The virtual online trade fair with BuddyBoss

Buddy Boss makes it very easy to create virtual online trade fairs without the use of complex 3D. To do this, it is necessary to deal in detail with group formation. Buddyboss offers numerous setting options for group formation. If these are set up/adjusted carefully, you can use them to create a virtual online trade fair. If you combine this with other interesting plugins, ALL offers can be monetized accordingly. We will show you how to do this or set up a virtual online trade fair for you.

The intelligent combination with other programs makes it possible

For some of the possibilities and applications already mentioned for Buddyboss, additional programs are required. However, you can be sure that you will be able to sustainable communication with relevant business partners and also the necessary automation.

Zoom connection

Buddy Boss can be linked to the video conferencing software Zoom. This makes it possible to plan and hold Zoom meetings on the website itself, in the community area.

Buddyboss and the community idea

Does the word "community" sound too trivial for you? Ask yourself when a "community" exists. It already exists if you are more than one person in your company. You form a community with your customers and also with employees and business partners. So: creating a community is generally a good idea for better and smoother communication with all relevant partners! Accordingly, BuddyBoss can be interesting in many ways and provide valuable services.

The only question is how intelligently you use this system!

Can you generate passive income with BuddyBoss?

The answer to this is clearly yes. Various paid memberships can be offered in the community. The more interesting the topic of the community, the more willing people are to spend money on a membership. BuddyBoss Membership can therefore help to generate passive income.

The "scope of delivery"

When you buy Buddy Boss, you have access to the BuddyBoss theme, Platform and Platform PRO. A child theme is also supplied with the theme. However, BuddyBoss itself can be used with any other theme. The advantage of the BuddyBoss theme is that it is perfectly tailored to BuddyBoss. If you work with Elementor, special BuddyBoss layouts are also supplied, e.g. for creating a useful user dashboard.

BuddyBoss Theme and Platform are closely linked, but have different functions:

  1. Buddy Boss Theme: The Buddy Boss Theme is a responsive WordPress theme specifically designed to work optimally with the BuddyBoss Platform and other plugins that add community features. The theme focuses on the design and look of your website. It offers various customization options, such as colors, fonts, layouts, and more. The BuddyBoss theme can also be used with other plugins and extensions to extend the functionality of your website.
  2. Buddy Boss Platform: The Buddy Boss Platform is a comprehensive WordPress plugin that offers a variety of community features. These include features such as member profiles, notifications, private messaging, groups, activity feeds, and more. The platform allows you to build your own social networking or membership site based on WordPress. The BuddyBoss Platform is designed to work seamlessly with the BuddyBoss theme, but can also be used with other WordPress themes.

In short, the BuddyBoss Theme is responsible for the design and look of your website, while the BuddyBoss Platform adds the community features. Both together allow you to create an appealing and functional online community platform.

Instructions and documentation

You can find very detailed instructions and documentation for BuddyBoss here. Many chapters contain very clear tutorial videos.

BuddyBoss Installation

The BuddyBoss installation is similar to the installation of all other WordPress plugins with the difference that it makes sense to install the BuddyBoss theme first.

The theme

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Design > Themes.
  3. Click on Installieren and then to Theme hochladen.
  4. Select the downloaded BuddyBoss theme zip file and click on Jetzt installieren.
  5. Once the installation is complete, click on Aktivieren.

The BuddyBoss plugin

  1. Go back to the WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins > Installieren.
  3. Click on Plugin hochladen.
  4. Select the downloaded BuddyBoss Platform plugin zip file and click on Jetzt installieren.
  5. After completing the installation, click on Aktivieren.

General considerations and settings

In general, you need to consider whether the community should be open to everyone or not. The corresponding settings must then be made under Buddyboss>Settings:

buddyboss basic settings

The settings in this screenshot are such that anyone can register.

If you were to check the "Private website" box under "Data protection", the entire page would be locked.

How do I protect the Buddyboss community area and leave the page open?

So: if you were to check the "Private website" box under "Data protection", the entire website would be locked. The pages would also no longer be visible to visitors without logging in. This function can make sense. But in most cases, you want to provide information on the pages and blog posts. Only the community area should remain closed.

You can solve these issues with a plugin:

Either with

  • BuddyPress Members Only or
  • with BP Registration Options or
  • with both

The simple installation and activation of BuddyPress Members Only is already sufficient to ensure that the community area is protected and the rest is open to others.

We have been using these systems since the beginning! As a rule, everything works smoothly with the updates. So far, we have experienced an update of BuddyPress Members only that the entire website was down. So if you see that updates are necessary, you should of course NEVER just click on update. Create a backup beforehand in such a way that it can be restored in a short time!

How to create a redirection to a specific page after logging in - Login / Logout Redirection

In the backend, navigate to the plugin settings, tab "General" or "Password & Email". Scroll down a little and you will see the following screen:

BuddyBoss Redirection

Here you can select individual pages that a user should land on after logging in or logging out.

Buddy Boss - how to create social groups

Select Buddyboss - Groups. Then "New group"

create buddyboss group

Give the group a name and then click on save.

The right sidebar will then change:

buddyboss group options

Here you can set who should have which rights in the group.

An interesting option is to select "hidden" under "Group privacy". This group is then only visible to those who belong to the group.

Buddy Boss and the language files

The Buddy Boss language files are a major challenge. Almost 100% of the translations are available in the DE formal language. However, we regularly find that these are not always displayed. If this is also the case for you, it can be solved as follows: You call up BuddyBoss PRO with LocoTranslate and open the currently valid language file. Now go to the "MOVE" tab and select "SYSTEM" as the storage location. Then just click on the "Move files" button and the correct language should be displayed everywhere.

buddyboss and the language files

BuddyBoss and the rights system

As a rule, many different people work with and on a BuddyBoss installation. Not everyone should be allowed to do everything and not everyone should see everything. This can also be managed. First of all, you need the WordPress UserRole editor. We also recommend the PRO version of WP-Automator. With the UserRole editor to define the roles and what they are allowed to do. With the WP-Automator or UncannyAutomator, these roles are automatically assigned to different users. For example, you can specify that users who are assigned to a specific course are assigned a specific role. The role editor mentioned above can also be used to access to plugins can also be controlled.

essential addons for elementor content protection

Essential Addons for Elementor with the "ContentProtection" function

When Essential Addons For Elementor is installed, a visibility can be assigned to each element on the website.

This visibility is determined by the UserRole.

For example, you can insert specific content on a page and use UserRole to determine who can see this content or who can execute a specific function. We find this very ingenious. In this way, you can create individual pages that are highly flexible and suitable for different target groups.

If you use many UserRoles, you should not forget to create a list. Otherwise you will quickly lose track!

Groups, group types, group hierarchy and automatic group assignment

Groups, group types, group hierarchy

As far as the groups at BuddyBoss are concerned, you should put a lot of thought and structure into this topic right from the start. The client must think very carefully about which groups, types and group hierarchies there should be. Ideally, these should be defined in advance!

The structure of the groups later determines the general possible uses of the platform.

Buddyboss autojoin - the automatic assignment of users to a group

An interesting feature is the automatic group assignment of certain members. This makes work easier. To do this, you need the BP Auto Group Join plugin and the BuddyPress Member Types plugin.

Further information can be found at https://www.buddyboss.com/resources/docs/integrations/buddypress-add-ons/bp-auto-group-join/

However, do not forget to create a role beforehand using the UserRole Editor. Otherwise you will only be able to work with the roles that have already been created. And you will quickly reach the limits with these.

Instead of the autojoin plugins, with which only a fraction can be done, we recommend the Uncanny Automator. This allows you to control the entire BuddyBoss site automatically.

Buddy boss social groups and Learndash groups

If you use Buddy boss together with Learndash, it may be useful to synchronize the social groups with the Learndash groups. You can find out how to synchronize these groups at the following address

Dynamic links for user profiles

Let's say you want to create a link or button on your website, whether it's a link on a blog or a button on a widget, and you want that button or link to redirect a user to their own profile or their own message inbox and so on. Put another way: A link to "MY PROFILE" or "TO MY MESSAGE INPUT" or "TO MY GROUPS".

This is how the link is structured

www.MyDomainName.com - this is your domain.

This is the page title set by default by Buddyboss. If you have translated this page, use the new translated name here. You can find it by navigating to your member page and then simply copying the link.

/me/ - Adding /me/ tells WordPress that we only want to navigate to the page for logged in users.

So if you are looking for the dynamic link to YOUR profile, it is as follows:


BuddyBoss plugins, which significantly extend the functions

Extensions from BuddyDev

Numerous and helpful plugins for BuddyBoss are available at https://buddydev.com/. There are free and paid plugins for BuddyBoss on this page. Some of them are presented below:

BuddyPress Group Tabs Creator PRO

With BuddyPress Group Tab Creator Pro you can create and manage unlimited BuddyPress group tabs and sub-tabs.


BuddyCommerce helps to integrate the WooCommerce account into the BuddyPress user profile in the most flexible way. The aim of this plugin is to empower BuddyPress and WooCommerce site administrators to integrate the user account as they wish. As a site administrator, you can control all aspects of the plugin via the settings.

It's best to have a look around BuddyDev. You're sure to find what you're looking for.

Extensions from wbcomdesign

You can also find extensions for BuddyBoss at wbcomdesign . The BuddyX theme, which is available in a simple and a PRO version, is interesting. This can be used as an alternative to the BuddyBoss theme. But beware: When installing the PRO theme, further plugins are recommended, which should ideally also be installed. That's a whole series of additional plugins in your BuddyBoss installation. If you don't mind, the theme is recommended.

Buddy boss Troubleshooting

As a rule, Buddy Boss works stably and we are not aware of any special troubleshooting requirements other than one:

It can happen that the links on the website no longer work after an update. All pages are there. All posts are there. But if you click on a link in the main menu, you will receive an error message. Don't lose your nerve at this point and stay cool! We have not yet received an answer as to why this is happening. But we do have a solution: In addition to the Buddyboss and Buddyboss Child themes, you should also have a WordPress standard theme. If the error mentioned occurs, then activate this default theme and click through the website once. You should find that everything is ACTUALLY normal - which it is. Then reactivate the Buddyboss child theme and everything should work again.

In general: If this procedure does not work, you should have a backup of the site and restore it. And then update the plugins step by step and check after each step whether the site still works! Therefore: Always make a backup of your BuddyBoss system before making any changes or updates!


Suitable page builders for Buddy Boss

The Buddy Boss theme is supplied for the BuddyBoss plug-in.

We recommend using this theme.

Reason: it is ideally suited to the requirements of the community with Buddy Boss (e.g. extra menu bar for logged-in users) but also for the LMS Learndash. If you want to spice up the design of your pages, we recommend using the Elementor builder. Both BuddyBoss and Learndash work perfectly with Elementor. For those who also like to work with Gutenberg Blocks, we recommend the Essential Addons for Elementor plugin. This also provides extensions for Gutenberg Blocks at the same time.

Of course, you can also work very well with the Gutenberg editor as long as the actual theme, i.e. the BuddyBoss theme, can remain activated.

Gamification - user motivation

Users of the BuddyBoss community can be rewarded with points, ranks, badges or achievements. This allows you to attract users to the site as often as possible. Examples of plugins for this are Gamipress or MyCred. Points can be awarded for many different situations. For example, it makes sense to award a certain number of points for each login. Another idea is to award points to community users when they publish a comment or even write a post. The more active a user is on the community, the more points they can collect. The points can be made publicly accessible so that other users can see who is currently in the lead. This should encourage others to do more as well. But what is a points system without a reward? If such a system is introduced, we strongly recommend introducing a suitable and lucrative reward. The most active users should then be rewarded within a certain period of time. Whether you do this every month, quarterly or annually is of secondary importance. The important thing is that you do it and that users can work towards something.

BuddyBoss Optimization

BuddyBoss websites are not "normal" websites. In other words: a lot should happen on this site. Users should interact with each other and with each other. You won't get very far with a classic web hosting package. We recommend a powerful web host whose server configuration can defend against brute force and DDoS attacks. Ideally with an integrated CDN. A powerful firewall should also be available.

As an optimization plugin, we recommend WP Rocket, which is optimally adapted to BuddyBoss and is also one of the best optimization plugins for WordPress.

How much does Buddy Boss cost?

BuddyBoss is available as a single license for 228 US dollars. The volume licenses are interesting.

General considerations for a BuddyBoss page

Buddy Boss is a program for WordPress that can be used to create online communities. In principle, such sites are comparable to sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn. Users register on such platforms and can connect and network with other users. Personal data about users is collected on such sites, some of which is also visible to others. Users are informed about these circumstances in the terms of use. We have often seen that a community platform is desired, but the community functions are not actually desired at all or that the visibility of the user profiles is made dependent on an age level. BuddyBoss provides on-board control of the visibility of user profiles. The dependency on age levels does not. The more you consider overriding or modifying the community functions, the more you should abandon the idea of creating a BuddyBoss site. Other systems, e.g. WordPress sites where it is possible to add user-generated content, may be better suited to your requirements. So think carefully about whether you want to implement the community functions. If not, switch to another system or have a suitable system programmed for you. The latter will be very time-consuming in terms of maintenance and technical updates.

The right web hosting for BuddyBoss sites

Something should happen on an online community and / or learning platform. Ideally, several hundred or even thousands of people are online, learning and / or exchanging ideas, networking and building relationships. Such websites should run on a high-performance environment.

A "forest and meadow hosting" is absolutely out of the question for such sites. Ask us. We will name suitable web hosts for you. It is not enough to simply choose a fast web hosting. You need a fast web hosting that is optimized for WordPress websites. We have seen many times that functions of a site do not work with web host A, for example, and that they work immediately after moving to a WordPress-specialized hosting.

THE HOSTER for BuddyBoss pages "RAPYD"


Address: https://rapyd.cloud/

This provider belongs to BuddyBoss. So far we have not been able to gain any experience with this provider. However, a test can be carried out in the backend of a BuddyBoss site. According to the test results, no other web host comes into question.

This is a very cost-intensive web hosting service. However, if a BuddyBoss installation is to fulfill more than just the classic community functions, then you should switch to it. Such additional functions would be, for example

  • Learning platform
  • Membership solutions

In short: anywhere where payment functions are added and possibly even a multi-shop solution. In the latter case, such powerful hosting should definitely be considered.


Maintenance and backup for Buddy Boss pages

It goes without saying that a website should be regularly backed up and technically maintained. Only then will you have a secure installation. Buddy Boss sites should ALWAYS be kept technically up-to-date. Reason: The reason for this lies in the nature of the site. It is usually a kind of community on which many users "cavort" more or less regularly. A lot of users' personal data is also stored on such a platform. In general, there is a risk that if a site is not technically up to date, it could be hacked and then we would definitely have a data protection problem. If such a site were to be hacked, it would be absolutely fatal for everyone involved. Both for the operator of the website and for the users. A stable and regular backup of BuddyBoss sites is an absolute must.

BuddyBoss Messaging

The Buddy Boss messaging system allows members of your community to exchange private messages with each other. This promotes communication and interaction on your platform. Here you will find an overview and instructions on how to use the BuddyBoss messaging system: Functions of the Buddy Boss messaging system:
  • Private messages: Members can send each other private messages, similar to an e-mail system.
  • Group messaging: Users can send messages to multiple recipients at the same time to have group conversations.
  • Notifications: Members receive notifications of new messages to ensure they don't miss any important communications.
  • Media attachments: Users can attach images, documents and other files to their messages.
  • Search and filter options: Members can search their messages and filter them according to certain criteria.
How to use the messaging system:
  1. Activation: Make sure that the messaging system is activated in the Buddy Boss settings. To do this, go to "BuddyBoss" > "Components" in your WordPress dashboard and activate "Private messages".
  2. Access to messages: Members can access their messages by going to their profile and selecting the "Messages" tab.
  3. Send messages: To send a new message, click on "New message" and enter the username of the recipient. You can also enter a subject and your message. Then click on "Send".
  4. Group messages: To send a message to several users, simply add more user names in the recipient field.
  5. Reply to messages: When you receive a message, you can reply to it directly via the user interface.
  6. Notification settings: Users can customize their notification settings to receive notifications of new messages via email or on the platform itself.
By integrating a messaging system, BuddyBoss provides a powerful way for members to communicate with each other in private or group conversations, enhancing the community experience on your platform.

BuddyBoss Mobile App

The BuddyBoss Mobile App is a solution from Buddy Boss that allows you to create a native mobile app for your online community or membership site. This app integrates seamlessly with the BuddyBoss platform and theme, providing a consistent experience across web and mobile platforms. Here's a quick overview of the BuddyBoss Mobile App:


  • Native Mobile Experience: Users can download your app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and enjoy a smooth, fast native mobile experience.
  • Push notifications: Keep your members informed about new content, news and updates with push notifications.
  • Offline access: Users can download content and view it offline on their mobile device.
  • Customizable interface: Customize the look of your app to match the branding of your website.
  • Integration with the Buddy Boss platform: The app is fully compatible with the BuddyBoss platform and the BuddyBoss theme, giving users a consistent experience across all platforms.
  • Memberships and courses: If you use LearnDash for online courses, users can access course content directly from the mobile app.
  • Social functions: Use community features such as user profiles, activity feeds, friend requests, private messages and groups.


The cost of the Buddy Boss Mobile App may vary depending on the options and subscriptions selected. You should check the official BuddyBoss website for the most up-to-date pricing information and available packages.

By using the Buddy Boss Mobile App, you can significantly increase the engagement and user experience of your online community or membership site by providing a convenient and accessible mobile platform.

Publish app in the App Store

BuddyBoss offers a free publishing service in the app stores. For all those who would like to do this themselves, we recommend our article "Publishing an app in the App Store".

The BuddyBoss Roadmap

Buddy Boss is a sustainable system that is being further developed. New functions are constantly being added. The roadmap for BuddyBoss can be found at https://www.buddyboss.com/roadmap/.

BuddyBoss Alternatives

  1. BuddyPress
  • Description: BuddyPress is a free plugin from the makers of WordPress. It offers many of the same features as BuddyBoss, such as user profiles, activity streams, friend connections and group creation.
  • Price: Free of charge
  • Website: BuddyPress
  1. PeepSo
  • Description: PeepSo is another WordPress plugin that allows you to create a social community on your website. It offers a modern user interface and numerous extensions for additional functions.
  • Price: Basic version free of charge, premium extensions available
  • Website: PeepSo
  1. Ultimate Member
  • Description: Ultimate Member is a user profile and membership plugin that is great for creating online communities. It offers advanced user profiles, membership levels, user roles and more.
  • Price: Basic version free of charge, premium extensions available
  • Website: Ultimate Member
  1. Youzify (formerly known as Youzer)
  • Description: Youzify is a WordPress community and user profile plugin that offers a variety of social networking features. It has an extensive feature list and offers many customization options.
  • Price: $49 (one-time payment for the basic version)
  • Website: Youzify on CodeCanyon


In this article, we have explained what we consider to be the most important points when starting to work with Buddyboss. For all other questions, please refer to the documentation for this system at https://www.buddyboss.com/resources/docs/components/.

The documentation is very well structured and explained with many videos. As a rule, you should be able to learn how to use this system very quickly. You can also find many training videos on BuddyBoss on YouTube.

Do you need German-language support for Buddy boss?

If you need German-speaking support, we will be happy to assist you. You can reach us by email at ks@pr-agentur.pro or by phone at 017640783890. We charge by the hour. The hourly rate depends on the number of hours booked. Just ask us.