
BuddyBoss - virtual trade fair without 3D

Realize a cost-effective virtual online trade fair? Without the mandatory use of 3D? Is that possible?

We clearly say yes!

Virtual trade fair with BuddyBoss

We have already reported on BuddyBoss in various places. You can find a very comprehensive article about BuddyBoss here.

But have you ever thought of creating a virtual trade fair with BuddyBoss? We have already realized it! And it worked!

Virtual trade fair = BuddyBoss (community) + community spirit

The general idea revolves around the idea of community. And this is also realized at a trade fair! And at a virtual trade fair, this is realized with BuddyBoss.

The secret lies in the intelligent preparation and presentation of BuddyBoss social groups.

If this is successful, a virtual trade fair can be realized.

Virtual trade fair and the costs?

A virtual trade fair using BuddyBoss is comparatively inexpensive. 3D is not absolutely necessary. And at the end of the day, it's all about a website with corresponding additional functions.

Virtual trade fair - you can take on different roles

The role you play in virtual trade fairs is up to you. You can also act as a trade fair organizer and sell exhibition spaces.

We have already proven that we can do it. Just ask us!