
H5P, online learning & in-house training

Online learning is still a challenge for many. This challenge is due to both the technology and the methodology. And this at a time when digitalization is becoming increasingly important.

Nowadays, it is relatively easy to offer professional online learning opportunities. And this with the popular WordPress content management system - or should we say with WordPress.

Learning online with WordPress

WordPress offers excellent opportunities for online learning. Of course, additional programs are required for this.

Additional programs that are required to use WordPress as an online learning system

As additional programs for WordPress for "online learning", we recommend Learndash and Buddyboss together with WooCommerce. This is a very interesting and powerful combination.

Learndash is used to create and provide courses, BuddyBoss can be used to realize the community (learning is always done in community) and WooCommerce can be used to monetize, i.e. sell, the courses.

This trio (WordPress, Learndash, Buddyboss, WooCommerce) is not only interesting for schools.

Target groups for online learning opportunities

It also offers companies that provide consulting services interesting opportunities, e.g. in terms of customer training: consultants can provide customers with online training. In general, this solution is also interesting for any company that wants to train employees in-house on a PC.

H5P adds interactivity to the trio, transforming it into an unbeatable quartet. This transforms the learning experience to the maximum. One very interesting option with H5P is the creation of interactive videos.

Are you thinking about creating a learning platform? Ask us: send us an email to ks@pr-agentur.pro or call us at 017640783890

Read more about H5P and how H5P creates interactivity in our article "H5P - interactivity on the website".

The costs for in-house training

Employees are part of the "human capital" that should be invested in an "interest-bearing" manner.

How much are you prepared to invest per employee for training?

Have you ever thought about the fact that you can train your employees yourself very cost-effectively with your own online learning platform from around 50 euros per employee per year?