
Digital communication for local retailers

Due to the current coronavirus regulations, local retailers have had to close again. The important Christmas business, which accounts for more than 20% of annual sales, has therefore been canceled. Nor can it be assumed that things will return to normal once the current lockdown is lifted. But in general, you don't need a lockdown to be cut off from the world as a local retailer: Construction work on the high street or even bridge closures can also cause sales to plummet.

The digilog communication concept of PR agency PRO from Rheinzabern prevents such situations. The digital and analog worlds are intelligently linked with each other; then you are prepared even in tough times and don't have to worry about losing sales.

The digilog communication concept even makes it possible to hold virtual trade fairs.

How can this be realized?

Retailers need an "intelligent" website. With a traditional online store, they would not be able to defy the existing online giants. The main competitive advantage of local retailers is the existing personal contact with customers. This point is unbeatable - not even by the existing online giants. A website is therefore needed that enables personal contact with customers and direct communication with them.

This personal contact with the customer and a multidirectional communication option on the website itself connect the digital with the analog world and make local retailers independent of adverse environmental influences. This means that business activities can be maintained even during lockdown periods.

Transferable concept

The digilog communication concept is also transferable to other topics and can be used wherever interest groups come together. The Protestant parish in Waghäusel, for example, has taken up the digiloge communication concept from PR agency PRO and, as a first step, can also carry out the Living Advent Calendar in Corona times. Further campaigns are planned for the coming year. The parish website makes it possible to meet and discuss topics online in a protected environment. It is also generally possible to hold lessons via the website.

The crisis as an opportunity

Every crisis should also be seen as an opportunity to break new ground. Digilogue communication is a new path in the right direction: digilogue should not prevent the analogue world. It should be seen as a necessary complement. Or in other words: the digital and analog worlds are mutually dependent and become a whole.