
English advertising slogans - misunderstood

English advertising slogans are chic. English is very popular in the German advertising language. Many companies therefore advertise in Germany with English advertising slogans. But who would have thought that most English advertising slogans are not understood by the majority of Germans?

Stefan Raab presented some of these misunderstood English advertising slogans back in 2015. It's best to take a look. Very funny!

Germans don't understand English advertising slogans

In 2003, a study by Endmark made it very clear that Germans have major problems with English advertising slogans. For the most part, they are simply misunderstood.

Example 1: Come in and find out

"Come in and find out " - a former Douglas advertising slogan. The actual meaning: "Come in and discover" or "Come in and find out" was understood by the majority of Germans as follows: Come in and find out. As if a Douglas store were a maze. This was not what the advertising strategists had in mind. Overall, this slogan was only understood by 34% of Germans.

Example 2: Be Inspired

Simens Mobile advertised with the slogan "Be Inspired". Germans understood this to mean "bee inspection". In reality, the slogan means "Be Inspired" or "Be Inspired".

Example 3: There's no better way to fly

The slogan "Ther's no better way to fly" came from Lufthansa. The actual meaning was "There's no better way to fly". This is how the slogan was understood: "There's no better way to get fired".

Mixed and sometimes embarrassing advertising slogans

A bathroom guide is advertised with the word "Bad Guide". For the English, this word does not represent a bathroom guide, but quite simply a "bad guide".

Many bakeries use the term "back store". The English understand this to mean a backyard store.

An advertising film from 1984: Three old ladies stand in front of a huge hamburger and find only a tiny piece of meat.