
Holistic marketing

Holistic marketing - what does it mean?

You've probably already heard of holistic marketing. But what does this term actually mean? Read on to find out exactly what it involves and what the benefits are.

Holistic marketing - the components

Well thought-out marketing activities are essential for the long-term success of a company. Holism comes from ancient Greek and "holos" means "whole". The term stands for holism. Holistic marketing therefore describes holistic marketing so that all important areas are covered when implementing strategies. It includes the following components:

  • Internal marketing
  • Integrated marketing
  • Performance Marketing
  • Relationship marketing

Internal marketing

Good marketing starts within a company. This involves, for example, the recruitment, training and motivation of employees, the transmission of brand values, successful internal communication and a permanent exchange of information. The goals are customer orientation and satisfaction. Efficient external marketing is only possible with optimal internal marketing.

Integrated marketing

Integrated marketing means that uniform communication takes place in all campaigns and channels. The individual measures and activities are therefore well coordinated. This is also known as corporate identity and can have a significant impact on success.

Performance Marketing

Performance marketing means determining the success of various measures in order to optimize them if necessary, increase reach and reduce costs. It also includes niche marketing. Tools such as Google Analytics are used for this purpose.

Relationship Marketing

Relationship marketing is about understanding the relationship between the company and its customers. The focus is therefore on corporate relationships. The aim is to nurture them, build and maintain them sustainably and, if necessary, initiate improvement measures.

Holistic marketing therefore means that the company is viewed as a whole, inclusive:

  • Departments
  • Business environment
  • Partner
  • Suppliers
  • Competitors

To this end, the market, competition and the company are analyzed in detail and targeted communication is carried out in various channels. Last but not least, it is always a matter of checking the company's position in the market, identifying relevant target groups and defining important networks. In this way, holistic marketing combines all important strategies that complement and reinforce each other. Ideally, the reach is extended beyond the target group.


Competition in the market is usually fierce. It is therefore important to use demonstrably effective measures. Holistic marketing describes a holistic strategy to coordinate everything, build a positive brand image and achieve long-term customer loyalty. All areas of the company pursue the same goal. Analysis, pricing and product design, distribution and communication strategy are important factors for branding, efficiency, effectiveness and consistency of a company.