
Eliminate resources that prevent rendering

I have just created another speed test for a website. I was totally annoyed by the result - just 45% on the desktop. That is not pleasant.

But lo and behold. WP Rocket has already remedied the situation with the default settings. After the fine-tuning with WP Rocket, the site has reached a whopping 96%. Simply green everywhere. Perfect! Over 40 plugins are installed on this site, including a store, a community system and an LMS! We call this acceleration remarkable!

WP Rocket

WP Rocket is the best plugin for speeding up a complex WordPress site that I've ever seen; and I've tested quite a few so far. Not one other achieves such acceleration as WP Rocket. It is a paid plugin. In times of Core Web Vitals, every single penny spent on this plugin is a very good investment!

WP Rocket works "cleanly"

With other plugins of this type (including paid ones), I had already experienced one or two surprises after fine-tuning and I was glad that I always had an up-to-date backup available. WP Rocket works "cleanly": even after fine-tuning, the site worked as it should. Highly recommended in every respect!

WordPress and the pagespeed (speed of the page)

WordPress and speed is a perennial topic. If a website has to perform many functions, then many programs are required. The more programs are installed, the slower a website created with WordPress becomes. There are numerous additional programs that increase the speed free of charge. But so far, as I said, none of them, not even a paid program, has come close to the acceleration of WP-Rocket in fine-tuning. In addition to the add-on programs, there is also the possibility of speeding up via CDN (Content Delivery Network). With a CDN, load-intensive parts are outsourced to a cloud. The page is accelerated.

Please also read our other articles on this topic:

WordPress: fast hosting with CDN (=Content Delivery Network)

WordPress - Content is King