
SEO costs

SEO costs are a controversial topic. What is SEO worth? Ultimately, SEO is intended to achieve business objectives. These business objectives are of a monetary nature. The question of SEO costs is therefore very topical.

What do you expect from SEO?

Surely you expect more visitors and more sales or more qualified inquiries for your company. What is that worth to you?

You are not alone in the network of networks

You are not alone on the Internet. There are many, thousands and tens of thousands of other companies on the Internet who also want to be listed at number 1 in the search engines. The number of competitors depends on the keyword and the region in which you are active. It is therefore also possible that you are only competing with a few companies. But you are in competition. That is a fact.

Industry-specific SEO

Depending on the industry in which you operate, SEO activities can have a positive impact very quickly. In our experience, many companies have already recognized the benefits of SEO for themselves and have introduced appropriate measures.

SEO and the all-encompassing question

If you do SEO, you want to rank well in the search engines. However, there are many thousands of others who want to rank at least as well as you for the same search term.

The all-encompassing question(s)

  • Why should a search engine place you prominently?
  • What do you offer that others don't?

If you can answer these question(s) and also formulate them in writing, then we are already one step further.

If you can answer these question(s) and also formulate them in writing, then we are already one step further.

Conclusion on the SEO costs

SEO costs should not be underestimated. SEO is not a one-off action, but a process. No one who is serious about SEO has the right to give a guarantee. We are talking in probabilities here. Example: The probability that you will have Y more customers next year with budget X is Z percent.

It is important for you to know that you can achieve success with a monthly SEO budget starting at around 1,500 euros.