

SEO - Content is King

Content is king. This is not just a saying by Bill Gates from a 1996 essay, but a statement that is still true today. In recent years, search engines have repeatedly changed their ranking criteria. Good content has never lost its importance. Quite the opposite. Good content was important, is important and will always remain important!

Honest SEO

Honest SEO is based on the guidelines of the search engines. But it never forgets the needs of the target group!

Honest SEO pays off. Patience and staying power are the order of the day. The lower the budget, the longer it takes to achieve good rankings with content marketing. The following statement is also true: the less your competitors in an industry do in the area of content marketing, the higher the probability that you will be successful with content marketing.

An old wives' tale?

So it's not just an old wives' tale that good and relevant content can have a long-term positive influence on search engine rankings.

Domain diversification?

By this we mean that there are many website operators who run websites under different domains and link them to each other. The search engines notice this! If you do this, then the domains should at least have different IP addresses and different owners (WHOIS entry).

Domain diversification is therefore absolutely NOT a solution for good SEO!

In the past, there have often been website operators who thought that you could increase visibility with different domains. This is absolutely not the case!

The main domain must be strengthened - anything else is a waste of resources!

In general, it is important to strengthen the main domain. If your business field is not the creation of glossaries, wikis, etc., then you should concentrate all your energy on your main domain and nothing else. Several different and other domains - including subdomains - are a waste of resources. A subdomain is also a "NEW" domain for the search engines, which needs to be maintained and "pimped". So why waste resources on several domains if the main domain is the one that is supposed to generate business success and sales? Why should you bother with other domains, why strengthen other domains, if you need all your energy for one domain or your actual business area? That is the question!

Domain diversification is not a solution - we have the proof

Simply by switching to a single domain, we have managed to increase the visibility of a domain by several hundred percent. A simple restructuring is all it takes. Just ask us. We will prove this statement to you!

Good SEO is a question of cost

Yes, you are right. It's all a question of cost - even, or even more so, good SEO is a question of cost: good SEO requires time, patience, a lot of work and perseverance or staying power - all of which should / must be paid for - otherwise nothing will come of it! After all, you want to generate sales with the content on your website! That should be worth something to you!

A few content amounts are definitely not enough!

Why is SEO a cost issue?

If you commission someone to carry out SEO for your website, they will start by evaluating the current website. Even if there are tools for this, this evaluation still takes a lot of time if it is done seriously - and the tools are not available free of charge. Good tools are even very expensive. Sometimes SEO agencies carry out this initial evaluation without charging, as the aim is to generate future sales. This "unpaid expense" (time) will be included in the SEO costs. Logical! Or not? Who likes to work for free?

It's also important to remember that free SEO analysis is often the result of automation and not really looking behind the scenes! These analyses can look very professional. But caution is advised. Not every SEO analysis of this type is effective.

SEO Best practice: Example Liebscher & Bracht

Just listen to the Liebscher & Bracht SEO podcast and how this company has managed to significantly increase visibility. The team includes a main person responsible with several editors. You can imagine the costs involved. This podcast makes it clear that SEO is not a one-off task, but a process and that you can never really stop doing it.

SEO is time-consuming

Imagine you have a local store. Do you ever give notice to your cleaning lady? Definitely no. If you were to give notice to your cleaning lady, you would immediately look for another one. The store must be kept clean and attractive for your customers.

Admittedly. This comparison is a bit of a limp and slightly crude. But it hits the nail on the head. You can't stop doing SEO any more than you can stop cleaning a local store.

Nevertheless, the question is: Can you stop doing SEO at some point?

OK. You can probably stop with SEO and content marketing at some point once you have reached a certain position. However, continuous monitoring is then definitely called for. A position that you have fought for with hard work can be gone just as quickly from one day to the next if a competitor carries out the same actions as you. In the event of undesirable developments, you should always be able to resume your activities immediately and steer them in the right direction.

So: stay on your guard!

We have already proven several times that our SEO strategy is successful. We also provide you with search engine relevant texts that definitely rank. How quickly and how high you rank is ultimately a question of your budget and the seriousness with which you want to pursue SEO - you have to believe in it and have staying power!

Good content marketing definitely pays off in the long run.

External factors for SEO - SEO is not just content marketing

You can of course accelerate the success of your content marketing with external factors. For example, with press releases. But with high-quality press releases from high-quality publishers such as News Aktuell (subsidiary of dpa).

Anything else will not lead to success. It only costs money, is time-consuming and brings nothing, because the backlink is often inherited from irrelevant subdomains without weighting. In the worst case, these are even "bad links" (infected links that have the exact opposite effect).

With such publications at news aktuell you create high-quality external links to your website, which will have a positive influence on your content marketing. Many other providers are not really reputable and will not help you at all in terms of search engine positioning.

Another way to influence the positioning from the outside would be, for example, to publish third-party blogs on your website with a follow link. But beware: Not every blog is suitable. It should fit thematically and already have a certain ranking. So: look for a suitable blog, have it seo-technically analyzed and if it is suitable, ask if you can make a link exchange.