
Unicode Icon

A Unicode icon is an icon that comes from a standardized alphanumeric character set. Unicode can be used to display text characters, mathematical characters, commercial characters, technical characters and special characters.

Which Unicode icons are available?

There are many Unicode icons. The best thing to do is to google them. Simply enter "Unicode icon" in the browser search field and you will find numerous lists.

Sample list

How do I enter a Unicode icon?

If you want to enter the icon using the keyboard, first press the ALT key and then enter the character code using the numeric keypad.

You will find different icons in the example list above. If you click on an icon, you will also see the technical information about it. This sample list also offers a simple copy function.

Unicode icon and SEO

We use Unicode icons to visually highlight SERP snippets. This makes the results in the organic search a little more eye-catching.