
Increase visibility with WDF*IDF

WDF*IDF is a formula for weighting a keyword in relation to the associated terms of the keyword to all other pages that rank with this keyword.

The abbreviations WDF - IDF

In the context of search engine optimization (SEO) and text analysis, the abbreviations "WDF" and "IDF" stand for "Within Document Frequency" and "Inverse Document Frequency". They are part of a concept that helps to evaluate the relevance and quality of content in relation to certain search terms or keywords.

  1. WDF (Within Document Frequency): This metric measures how often a particular word or phrase occurs within a document (for example, a web page) in relation to the total number of words in that document. It is a way to determine the density of a particular keyword. A higher WDF value could indicate that the document is relevant for that specific keyword.
  2. IDF (Inverse Document Frequency): This metric is used to determine the importance of a word by looking at the frequency of the word in a document in relation to a collection of documents (for example, the entire internet or a specific website). A word that rarely appears in the entire collection of documents but is used frequently in a specific document is given a high IDF score. This indicates that the word is potentially very relevant to the specific document.

In practice, WDF and IDF are often combined to assess the relevance and uniqueness of content in relation to specific search terms. This combination helps to avoid keyword stuffing (the overuse of keywords) while ensuring that the content is relevant to the target keywords.

WDF*IDF and the importance for SEO

In the past, keyword density was very important. In other words, how often a keyword appears within a text. Today, it's more about how unique an article is. In other words, how does it stand out in comparison to competitor texts?

The WDF*IDF analysis can help to determine the relevance of your own content in comparison to competitor sites.

Unique content

WDF and IDF are based on complicated calculation formulas which we do not wish to list here. You can google them on the Internet. These formulas can be found on every page on the subject.

The competition is huge and there is hardly a topic that has not already been written about on the Internet. The topic of this article can also be found very often on the Internet and for the search engine the question arises as to whether this article is worth being listed prominently or not. So does this article somehow stand out from other articles on the topic of WDF*IDF?

At the end of the day, it's "only" about making the content unique, readable and interesting for the reader / target group.

WDF*IDF - Tool for calculation

An interesting and free tool for determining the WDF*IDF values is e.g. https://www.


The WDFIDF toolis an advanced instrument in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) and content creation. WDF stands for "Within Document Frequency" and IDF for "Inverse Document Frequency". This tool helps to analyze and optimize the relevance and quality of web content in relation to specific search terms or keywords. Here are some of the main applications of the WDFIDF tool:

  1. Keyword analysis and optimization: The tool analyses how often a specific keyword is used in comparison to its frequency in a reference corpus (e.g. top-ranking pages on Google for the same keyword). This helps to optimize the keyword density in a text to avoid over- or under-use.
  2. Content quality improvement: By analyzing keyword density and relevance, the tool can suggest which terms or related topics should be emphasized more in the content to increase the relevance and authority of the content.
  3. Competitor analysis: It allows you to compare your own content with that of your competitors in order to understand which topics or keywords are emphasized by competitors and where there may be gaps in your own content strategy.
  4. Identification of LSI keywords (Latent Semantic Indexing): The tool helps to identify semantically related terms that can contribute to improving the thematic relevance and context of a piece of content.
  5. SEO audit and monitoring: Regular analysis with the WDF*IDF tool can help to monitor and adjust the effectiveness of the SEO strategy to ensure continuous improvement in search engine rankings.
  6. Content planning and strategy: By understanding which terms and topics are important in a particular area, the tool can support the planning of new content and the alignment of the content strategy with the needs and interests of the target group.

The WDF*IDF tool is a valuable tool for content creators, SEO experts and digital marketers to improve the visibility and relevance of their online content.

Paid tools:

The following list is not exhaustive

  1. RyteRyte offers a comprehensive toolset for SEO, including a WDF-IDF analysis. It helps to evaluate the relevance of web content compared to the top rankings in search engines.
  2. SEMrushSEMrush is a well-known SEO tool that offers a variety of features, including a WDF-IDF analysis. It helps to identify the most important terms in your content compared to the top rankings.
  3. Surfer SEOThis tool provides a detailed analysis of keyword density and relevance. It is particularly useful for on-page SEO optimization.
  4. SISTRIXSISTRIX offers a toolbox with various SEO tools, including WDF-IDF analysis. It is particularly useful for competitor analysis and keyword optimization.
  5. SEOlyzeThis tool focuses on text optimization and provides detailed WDF-IDF analysis. It is helpful for improving keyword relevance in web content.