
Attention: important keywords! Is it being searched for?

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SEO and the keywords

The offer, the target group, etc. determine the keywords. Every page or post should be optimized for a single keyword when it comes to SEO! But are you sure that the keywords that you personally consider important are being searched for at all?

Keyword - why is the monthly search volume important?

Let's take this page as an example. PR Agency PRO is a service provider that specializes in "digital communication". This is a detailed concept of how to intelligently combine analog communication with digital communication in an optimal and smooth way. We find "digilog communication" very suitable for this "long definition". But there is no monthly search volume for digilog communication, i.e. it is not searched for! You can blog yourself to death for this keyword "digilog communication" and you will never get a result.
If people don't search for it, you can't be found!!!

A professional SEO tool provides qualified alternatives and word combinations. This gives you a chance to rank for keywords that have a high proportion of competition.

Alternative keywords may lead to the goal!

Alternative keywords may eventually lead to the goal. The aim is to rank as well as possible in the search engines. But which keyword should be used?

These keywords can lead to the goal

To put it bluntly, the following keywords can lead to the target: Keywords with a high monthly search volume and a low competition quotient.

The monthly search volume for the keyword "keyword" is currently 1300, which seems to be quite attractive. The competition is 48%, which means that there is a 52% chance of ranking with this keyword.

By the way: The original aim of this blog post was not to write a post that should rank for the keyword "keyword". The original intention of this post is still to make it clear that it only makes sense to use keywords that people are searching for.
As I'm writing this post, I've just had the idea that this may be the case. We'll see and report further. But overall, I'm surprised that the monthly search volume for this word isn't higher, but I would have expected the competition to be higher.

Consider whether the keywords you consider important are being searched for and in the relevant context

What does the "relevant context" mean?

We currently have a customer who absolutely wants to use a specific keyword. But after this keyword

  1. not wanted
  2. and if you are looking for it, then we are in a completely different sector / industry

The latter means that the search engines would be focused on a completely different topic.

How do you find target keywords?

You can find these keywords with a professional SEO tool[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]