
Why WordPress
is the right choice
for your company

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WordPress is the reliable, cost-effective and sustainable CMS for your website.

As an experienced WordPress agency, we know what is important when choosing the right content management system (CMS).

Time and again we receive inquiries from customers who previously had a Typo3 website. Most of these customers are very dissatisfied because the technical maintenance of Typo3 is extremely cost-intensive. This is the reason why we have decided to provide a detailed comparison between Typo3 and WordPress here.

Comparison between Typo3 and WordPress

WordPress is cheaper, more flexible and also suitable for large companies with complex websites

Below is a tabular comparison between Typo3 and WordPress.

This extended table also highlights that Typo3 usually requires specialized developers, which adds to the overall cost of development and maintenance. WordPress, on the other hand, offers more cost efficiency and a greater availability of developers, which makes it more attractive for many projects.

User friendlinessHigh learning curve, complex backendIntuitive and user-friendly, also suitable for beginners
FlexibilityHighly customizable, ideal for large and complex websites Highly customizable, ideal for large and complex websites
CostsHigher development costs, expensive maintenance Cost-efficient, low development and maintenance costs
Required developers Requires specialized developers, often more expensive Wide availability of developers, also cheaper to find
ExpandabilityMany individual customizations possible, limited number of extensions Thousands of plugins and themes available, easily extendable
Developer availabilityFewer developers available, often more expensive Large developer community, readily available expertise
SEO friendliness Good SEO possibilities, but requires specific configurations Very SEO-friendly, many plugins and integrated functions available
Security updates Regular, but often complex updates Regular and simple updates, large community ensures quick solutions
Community & Support Smaller, specialized community Large, active community with comprehensive support and resources
Hosting requirements Higher server requirements, often requires specialized hosting solutions Runs on a variety of hosting environments, shared hosting also possible
Ideal for Large companies, complex and customized web projects Small to medium-sized companies, blogs, simple to medium-sized web projects
MultilingualismNative support, but complex to configure Support via plugins (e.g. WPML), simple integration
Content management Very powerful, but complicated to manage Simple content management, also suitable for non-technicians
Updates and maintenance Complex, often requiring manual adjustments Simple, many automated updates possible
Market shareLess widespread, specialized in niches The most widely used CMS in the world, widespread

Typo3 alternative WordPress - more cost-efficient and sustainable!

Switching from a content management system (CMS) such as Typo3 to WordPress can be a strategic decision that offers your company numerous advantages. Here are the most important reasons why a switch could make sense:

1. user-friendliness

Typo3 is known for its complexity, which makes it difficult for smaller teams in particular to work with it effectively without extensive training. WordPress, on the other hand, offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows even non-technical people to easily create and manage content. This saves time and reduces the need for expensive IT support.

2. cost efficiency

The development and maintenance of Typo3 websites requires specialized developers, which drives up costs. WordPress is not only cheaper to develop, but also cheaper to maintain. Thanks to the large developer community and the multitude of ready-made plugins and themes, you can customize and update your website faster and cheaper.

3. flexibility and expandability

WordPress offers a huge selection of plugins and themes that allow you to customize your website exactly to your needs. While Typo3 is also customizable, this often requires bespoke solutions that are expensive and time-consuming. With WordPress, you can react quickly and flexibly to new requirements without having to reinvent the wheel.

4. SEO friendliness

In a digital world where search engine visibility is crucial, WordPress offers excellent SEO features. With a variety of SEO plugins and a clear structure, it is easier to optimize your website for search engines and increase your reach. Typo3 can also be optimized for SEO, but this often requires deeper technical knowledge.

5. fast updates and high security

WordPress is continuously being developed and offers regular updates that can be carried out with just a few clicks. These updates not only improve functionality, but also ensure a high level of security. With Typo3, updates are often more complex and require manual adjustments, which can lead to higher maintenance costs.

6. large community and support

The WordPress community is active worldwide and offers extensive support. Whether forums, tutorials or specialized agencies - there is always a solution to your problem. Typo3 also has a dedicated community, but the resources are often more limited and difficult to access.

Conclusion: the switch is worth it

Switching from Typo3 to WordPress can not only save your business time and money, but also significantly improve the flexibility and usability of your website. If you are looking for a future-proof and cost-efficient solution that allows you to effectively manage your online presence, WordPress is the ideal choice.

Contact us to find out more about how we can make the transition smooth for you!

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Switch from Typo3 to WordPress now
and request a quote

WordPress - The smart choice for your business

If you are looking for an alternative to Typo3 that is powerful, flexible and easy to use, WordPress is the ideal solution. As a specialized WordPress agency, we help you to exploit the full potential of this CMS and create a website that is precisely tailored to your needs.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can successfully migrate your Typo3 website to WordPress - and experience how easy and efficient website management can be!


How to turn your website into a sales center

Imagine you have a website and experience

  • who was on the website and
  • how long, which pages and content this person has looked at.

Keep imagining:

  • You can click to save the person who visited your website in your CRM and follow up on the contact.
  • A website visitor fills out a form and the data record from the form immediately ends up in your CRM. And it is also GDPR-compliant.


This creates the basis for a cohesive, efficient and sustainable marketing system.

Does that sound interesting? Then read on by clicking on "Read article".