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WooCommerce Catalog Mode

The catalog mode in WooCommerce is a setting state in which the e-commerce functions (such as shopping cart or checkout) of a website are deactivated. This is useful if you want to display your products or services online but do not want to sell directly via the website.

In catalog mode, users can view your products, read descriptions and browse through different categories or tags, but they cannot add the products to a shopping cart or complete a purchase. This can be useful, for example, if you have a physical store and want to display your products online without offering them for online purchase, or if you want to offer a product preview for a future product line.

Activate the WooCommerce catalog mode

To activate the catalog mode in WooCommerce, you usually need to install and activate a special plugin that supports this feature. There are various plugins available, some of which are free, while others offer premium features.

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you can usually navigate to the plugin settings area and activate the catalog mode. Depending on the plugin you are using, you may also be able to make additional settings, such as hiding prices or adding custom messages or buttons instead of the normal "Add to cart" button.

Plugins for setting up the WooCommerce catalog mode

There are several plugins for WooCommerce that support a catalog mode. Here are some examples:

  1. YITH WooCommerce Catalog ModeThis plugin allows you to convert the e-commerce store into a catalog. You can hide prices, hide the "Add to cart" button and add customized messages. There is a free version of the plugin as well as a premium version with advanced features.
  2. WooCommerce Catalog EnquiryWith this plugin you can convert your WooCommerce store into a product catalog. It offers options to hide prices, remove the shopping functions and add an inquiry function.
  3. ELEX WooCommerce Catalog ModeThis plugin provides an easy way to set WooCommerce to catalog mode. You can hide prices and "Add to cart" buttons and it also supports the setup of inquiry forms.
  4. Catalog for WooCommerce: This plugin allows you to convert the WooCommerce store into a pure catalog. It offers options to remove the "Add to cart" button and hide prices.

Please note that some of these plugins offer free versions, while others are paid. It is important to check the respective features and pricing plans before deciding on a particular plugin. Also, make sure that the plugin is compatible with your current WooCommerce and WordPress version before installing it.