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Mailpoet the best newsletter plugin for WordPress - increase open rates by more than 50%!

The perfect newsletter system for WordPress & WooCommerce

Mail Poet Newsletter Plugin is in short and simple a WordPress newsletter system. It can be used to implement email marketing plugins for Wordpess & WooCommerce. You're probably saying: Ok, another newsletter plugin, there are so many, now this one too! But Mail Poet is worth another look. It's great for email marketing for small and medium-sized businesses and offers extremely powerful features that some large companies would dream of. We know what we're talking about! It's quite possible that a program like MailPoet will enable you to do better and more targeted email marketing than some large companies. Large companies are generally more cumbersome to organize, which is also reflected in the IT department. With MailPoet, you can gain a significant competitive edge and grow.

MailPoet is special! Why?

Mail Poet is one of the best email marketing plugins for WordPress. It works perfectly with the popular WooCommerce store system.

Case studies:

  • If a customer has placed products in the shopping cart and does not complete the checkout, Mail Poet can be set to send a reminder email to the customer after a certain period of time. You can also send several reminder emails at certain intervals. In many cases, these emails do lead to the purchase being completed!
  • The email messages sent by WooCommerce can be individualized and customized with Mail Poet. At last! Things used to be very different. You had to make do with the standard WooCommerce email templates. MailPoet offers real added value!
  • Encourage customers to subscribe to your newsletter at checkout. With just a few clicks, you can add a GDPR-friendly signup form to your WooCommerce checkout page to collect emails and encourage customers to make repeat purchases. Subscribers are automatically added to a pre-built WooCommerce customer list, making it even easier to customize your email marketing messages.
  • Mail Poet is very suitable for beginners!

Mail Poet can also be used to create individual forms.

Customer segmentation - sending marketing emails to specific target groups!

Mail Poet offers a wide range of customer segmentation options.

Segmentation by WordPress user role - UserRole

We would like to emphasize the segmentation option by WordPress user role (UserRole). Coupled with and / or queries, it is possible to segment customers in great detail and according to almost any criteria. Emails can also be sent to specific target groups accordingly! Segmentation according to clicked links within a newsletter is also possible!

Application example: If you sell products in your store that build on each other, you can send customers who have purchased the first part of a product series newsletters with recommendations to also sell the next series / parts of this product series. It makes sense to implement discount codes as an incentive to buy.

How to segment customers

Segmentation by UserRole creates certain challenges for the database. First, new UserRoles must be defined. In the second step, actions must be defined as to when a user receives which UserRole.

Recommended plugins for segmentation by user roles

We recommend using the WP User Role Editor first. This can be used to create any number of roles. Another plugin must be responsible for assigning a corresponding user role to the buyer after the purchase of a specific product. The following is suitable for this User Role Editor from WooCommerce or the Yith Automatic Role Changer. The great thing about WooCommerce's User Role Editor is that it provides a user role switch history. So if you make a free product available in the store for X days and the customer then buys the product, you can recognize, provided you have created the roles correctly, whether a buyer became a customer because of the free product. This takes into account the fact that customers can change roles in the course of the customer journey. They can also take on several roles at the same time. We are already familiar with such functions from Braze. Mail Poet has had this function for quite some time.

Why is customer segmentation important in email marketing?

It's not about sending the same email to every customer. If you offer different products in the store, then the buyers usually have different interests. With the appropriate segmentation, you only send news about new products to customers who are potentially interested in them. This increases the likelihood that you will be able to encourage customers to buy and also reduces the load on your server.

Segmentation considerations

In general, the Mailpoet newsletter plugin is also suitable for beginners. However, if you really want to create target group-specific email marketing campaigns with this system, we advise you to consult a specialist. Some complex considerations are required at the outset. For example: Which customer should receive which role, when? And then there are the settings. As a beginner, you may be overwhelmed by this.

Lists and other segmentation options

With MailPoet you have the option of creating different lists. For example, if you offer various forms on different topics on your website, you can create a list for each of these topics. With these lists, you have already done the essential work for the first type of segmentation. With the new automation function, you will then be able to create further subgroups and address customers even more individually.

Many design templates!

The newsletter system has over 50 design templates! Attractive newsletters can be created and sent to customers with just a few clicks.

The illustration above is just an excerpt from the many different and themed templates available to you. Of course, you can also use your own design. If you are not yet so experienced, then a template is always worthwhile. You can then adapt it to your individual requirements.

WordPress newsletter plugin as a replacement for an SMTP program / Mailpoet Sending Service

The newsletter plugin can replace an SMTP plugin. With the right configuration, it works as a sender of emails. You will need MailPoet and the premium version of it. Register on the MailPoet website and enter your payment information. As we said, the system is free for up to 1000 subscribers. We have not yet had any negative experiences - it is a trustworthy provider. Nothing is billed that is not used. Gone are the days of complicated set-up procedures for SMTP programs. And you can be sure that the e-mails you send will arrive and not end up in the spam folder.

After registration, you will be asked how to acquire subscribers and you have the option of creating an API code. This is required to use Mail Poet as a fully-fledged replacement for an SMTP program. So: Without an SMTP program, emails from WordPress will be sent with the sender you want. The likelihood of your emails ending up in the spam folder is, as already mentioned, extremely low.

What else can the program do?

The plugin can do much more. So far, we have only mentioned the features that distinguish this plugin from other newsletter plugins.


  • Sending email newsletters
  • Sending welcome emails
  • Automatic notification of subscribers when new posts are published
  • Many different templates for email newsletters

Customer groups

  • Automatic removal of inactive users
  • Automatic creation of a WordPress user list
  • Customizable forms for newsletter subscription
  • WooCommerce customers are automatically notified of changes
  • Customer lists can be segmented

Special WooCommerce functions

  • Customization of the WooCommerce emails
  • Send a thank you email to the customer on their first purchase
  • Sending special emails for "follow-up"
  • Rescue abandoned purchases with an automated shopping cart recovery email.
  • Automatically send follow-up emails tailored to purchased products.

MailPoet GDPR

Mail Poet can be used in compliance with GDPR. Newsletter subscriptions must be confirmed with DoubleOptIn.

MailPoet Captcha

Captcha solutions can be integrated so that forms can be sent securely.

Integration of the forms

Forms can be integrated into an existing page via pop-up or shortcode.

Is there a charge for the system?

MailPoet is free for up to 1000 email recipients. Above that, a moderate fee is charged.

Email marketing with powerful automation

Automated sending of post updates to subscribers

As already mentioned: The newsletter plugin works perfectly with WordPress and WooCommerce. It can therefore be set so that subscribers are automatically notified of new blog posts.

Automations to increase sales in the WooCommerce store

Build long-term relationships with your customers by using personalized WooCommerce follow-up emails. Greet first-time customers automatically or use purchase data to send customized email marketing messages based on the product or product category purchased.

The new powerful automation functions for email campaigns

Anyone already using the system will have noticed a new function in the meantime. An explicit automation function. There are ready-made templates for various scenarios:

This takes newsletter marketing to the next level. We think it's great that it is still possible to create an automation from scratch.

You can currently see very clearly in the backend that this function is a beta version. But the selection already available is very promising and highly functional. Many a large company would like to be able to design workflows for email marketing campaigns in such a simple way. With this new function, we would say that the plugin is no longer lagging behind even large programs.

Practical example of email marketing workflows

Let's assume you run a purely online business. Customers are more or less regularly logged in to your website and can do something there. Now you notice that customer X has not been logged in for some time. Of course, you now want to encourage them to do something on your website again, to get in touch with your brand, to buy something.

Workflows and automation are right there.

Integration into other programs

Mail Poet was acquired by WooCommerce about 2 years ago, we think it was in fall 2020. Since then, there have been consistent improvements.

In the meantime, it is taken into account by all other major plugins and can be seamlessly integrated, e.g. Elementor, MEC-Calendar from Webnus and many more.


MailPoet offers very detailed statistics. If you operate the system together with WooCommerce and offer products in an email campaign, you will then find out how much revenue you have generated with this email.

You will also learn

  • The opening rate,
  • the click rate,
  • the bounce rate
  • and much more.

In short: the statistics provide information on all the necessary KPIs. You can then use it to refine and adapt your marketing. You won't run into nothing!


Logically, it can happen that emails sent are not opened. You can track these. After an email has been sent for some time, it makes sense to resend the email to users who have not opened it. And you will be surprised: you can also generate additional sales from these emails.

Achieve marketing goals

We can promise you that you will achieve your marketing goals with Mail Poet. The statistics provided by this program are unique for such a program. The costs for this program are fair and reasonable. Up to 1000 subscribers, the newsletter plugin can be used free of charge. But above a certain number it becomes a little more expensive than other programs - but then you can afford it and are really glad to have chosen this program for your email marketing from the start.

The requirements for web hosting

Mail Poet is specifically a complete program for email marketing that runs on your WordPress site. As a rule, there should be no server problems. However, depending on which applications are still running, e.g. a learning area with online courses in combination with a store solution such as WooCommerce and automation tools such as wpautomator etc., it is possible that the CPU performance of the web hosting package will be exhausted. You should therefore have good web hosting for WordPress.

The best email marketing plugin for WordPress, WooCommerce & Co.

We have been working with this program for over two years (as of 19 november 2022) and are simply thrilled. Over the past few years, our customers have allowed us to get to know many different email marketing programs. We can say with a clear conscience: it's the best. It is easy to use. Customers can be segmented in detail. Entire workflows can now be created.

It is very suitable for beginners and offers numerous segmentation options, making newsletter marketing much more effective and sustainable.