
How to turn your website into a sales center - 24/7

A system that records the pulse or movement of visitors in real time and integrates it into the CRM.

Imagine you have a website and find out

Keep imagining:

Doesn't that sound great? Do you think it's not possible? We tell you: it is possible!

Here we show you how to turn your website into a sales center. Just read on!


What you need

The "center" is your website. Your website is linked to your CRM and to a program that shows you which company has visited your website.

Forms that help you use your website as a sales center

It is best if you offer different forms for different topics. When a prospective customer fills out a form that is linked to your CRM, a data record is created in your CRM at the same time. You can automatically tag this data record so that you know immediately what the customer is interested in.

Working with the data records obtained from the form submissions

The more customers fill out the form, the more extensive your potential customer base or your list for a specific topic will logically become. Each customer data record can be edited. Each customer goes through different stages (prospect, potential lead, lead). You can define the stages. You can still keep a prospect who has not yet become a customer in your database and, for example, contact them again at a later date to find out what the situation is like. Since everything is stored in the CRM, you also know what you last talked about with the customer and can pick up right where you left off.

The CRM - transforms your website into a sales center

All contacts from the forms are saved in the CRM. So no contact is lost. You can tag each contact and assign it to yourself or someone else. You can also assign tasks.

The great thing about a CRM is that it can also be linked to your mailbox - so the messages between a customer and you are bundled together. Last but not least, you can also link the CRM to your accounting program - voilà. This means you have the invoices and other documents sent for each customer record at your fingertips. All without paper and annoying slips of paper. The CRM also documents whether a sent e-mail has already been opened or not.

Automation & Campaigns

It is advantageous if you set up an automation for the submission of a form. For example: after sending the form, the interested party receives an automatic e-mail. You can also set different actions in the time sequence. The customer receives e-mail A 10 minutes after sending the form, e-mail B a week later, for example.

Which automation you set up depends on the purpose of the form. There are no limits to your imagination.

With a CRM, you can of course also run email marketing campaigns at a very high level. Customers can be segmented and targeted.

Online advertisement (SEA)

If your site still has few visitors, then it is best to place an online ad, e.g. with Google AdWords. You can tag AdWords and measure the "success" of the ad. But AdWords alone will not tell you who has visited your website.

Which automation you set up depends on the purpose of the form. There are no limits to your imagination.

With a CRM, you can of course also run email marketing campaigns at a very high level. Customers can be segmented and targeted.

Your website - your sales center - finally the paperwork has come to an end!

Even without Google Analytics, you can obtain very insightful information about your website visitors. A smart choice of a powerful CRM in combination with your WordPress website and other tools makes it possible to target visitors to your website. This way, your website is not a dark black box - you can target customers almost like in a store and expand your customer base automatically!

Overall view "Website for the sales center"

A website can really be turned into a sales center. Even if nothing is sold directly on it, as in an online store. This is the only way to actively communicate and sell to customers and, above all, potential interested parties and thus further expand the company.