
WordPress translation plugin versus WordPress translation online service: WP Toolkit

The challenge for every web designer working with WordPress. Important functions need to be added to the website. Plugins are used for this. These plugins are often not available in the desired language.

Solution: You install Loco Translate and translate string by string or you connect various services via API. However, this required the installation of a plugin. In this case it was Loco Translate.

The language files usually contain many thousands of words. It takes hours of work to translate them manually.

WP Toolkit Plugin Translation Online Service

A real solution for this time-consuming work is offered by https://wp-toolkit.com/.

The WP Toolkit Translation Online Service makes it possible to translate WordPress plugins easily and efficiently into any desired language. This service is aimed at users who want to internationalize their WordPress website or simply adapt the language file to current requirements. After registering on the platform, the user can purchase a suitable package, depending on the scope of the translation services required. The service is characterized by a transparent pricing model that does not require a subscription and offers clear cost structures. This allows users to make their websites globally accessible without worrying about hidden fees or long-term commitments.

Simply select a package and get started! Package prices start from 20 euros for 5000 words. We think that's okay, considering how long it would take to translate 5000 words manually.

WP Toolkit Translation Online Service can process all formats: pot-files, po-files, mo-files.

Once your language file has been translated, you can check everything again in a very convenient language editor. If necessary, you can then change the translated strings again. Then simply download the language file and upload it to your WordPress installation and you're done!

The language problem of WordPress plugins

The language problem with WordPress plugins in particular mainly concerns the availability and management of translations for these plugins. As WordPress is a globally used platform, its users come from different linguistic backgrounds. The challenges related to the multilingualism of plugins can be summarized as follows:

  1. Availability of translations: Not all WordPress plugins are available in multiple languages. Many smaller or specialized plugins may only offer support in English or in a limited number of languages, limiting their use in non-English speaking contexts.
  2. Quality of translations: Even when translations are available, they can sometimes be inaccurate or incomplete, which can lead to comprehension problems or an unprofessional appearance of the website.
  3. Creating and managing your own translations: Users who need translations for plugins that are not available in their language may need to create and manage their own translation files. This requires technical knowledge of the WordPress localization infrastructure and access to translation tools.
  4. Updates and compatibility: Plugin updates can affect or overwrite existing translations. Users must therefore regularly check whether their translations are still up-to-date and compatible after an update.
  5. Multilingual websites: For operators of multilingual websites, it can be an additional challenge to configure plugins so that they work correctly in all languages. This may require additional customization or the use of compatibility plugins.
  6. Technical support in different languages: Users who require technical support for a plugin in a language other than that of the developer may encounter communication barriers.

To overcome these challenges, many website operators use special multilingual plugins such as WPML, Polylang or Loco Translate, which make it easier to manage translations. In addition, the efforts of the WordPress community contribute by providing and updating translations for a variety of plugins and themes. With WP Toolkit Plugin Translation Online Service, you no longer need any plugins.