Bundesfachverband Elektronische Hilfsmittel e.V.: More than just digital accessibility for all

In a world in which digital communication and technology are playing an increasingly important role, it is crucial that people with disabilities can also benefit from the advantages of modern technology. The Federal Association for Electronic Aids eV (BEH eV for short) is committed to precisely this. It is one of the most important organizations in Germany dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of electronic aids in order to give people with disabilities equal access to digital content and technologies.

What is the Federal Association for Electronic Aids?

The Federal Association of Electronic Aids is an association of manufacturers, developers, distributors and users of electronic aids. The aim of the association is to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities through technical innovations and the use of modern technologies. The association sees itself as the mouthpiece of the industry and is committed to the creation of standards, the further development of aids and accessibility in all areas of public and private life.

The tasks and goals of BEH eV

The association pursues several central goals:

  1. Promoting accessibility: BEH eV is committed to ensuring that electronic aids are more integrated into the everyday lives of people with disabilities. This applies not only to the job market, but also to education, health care and the private sector.
  2. Technical development: The association promotes innovations and new developments in the field of electronic aids. Through cooperation with research institutions and industry, work is being done to continually improve existing aids and develop new solutions.
  3. Creation of standards: Through exchange within the industry and cooperation with public institutions, the association contributes to the development and implementation of standards that ensure accessibility. This applies to both national and international norms and guidelines.
  4. Education and awareness-raising: BEH eV informs not only experts and decision-makers, but also the general public about the importance and possibilities of electronic aids. The focus is on the advantages that such aids offer for people with disabilities, but also for society as a whole.
  5. Political advocacy: The association advocates for the rights of people with disabilities at the political level. This includes dialogue with political decision-makers to create laws and regulations that promote the distribution and use of electronic aids.

Electronic aids: variety of possibilities

The Federal Association for Electronic Aids supports a variety of technologies that benefit people with different disabilities. Here are some examples of electronic aids that the association supports:

  • Screen readers and Braille displays for blind and visually impaired people that enable them to read digital content and interact with computers or smartphones.
  • Voice control systems and alternative input devices , such as eye-tracking or sip-and-puff devices, for people with motor disabilities.
  • Text-to-speech systems and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for people with speech impairments to facilitate their communication.
  • Hearing aids and cochlear implants , which facilitate access to digital audio media through technical interfaces and enable barrier-free use of communication tools.

The BEH eV supports these technologies by disseminating knowledge about their use and promoting technical development through cooperation and research.

Collaboration with other organizations

The Federal Association of Electronic Aids eV works closely with other associations, companies and institutions to achieve common goals. The partners include:

  • Research institutions and universities that work on the development of new technologies.
  • Social institutions and advisory centers that support people with disabilities in the selection and use of assistive devices.
  • Manufacturers and developers of electronic aids who bring new innovations to the market.
  • Policy makers to create a legal framework to promote accessibility and assistive devices.

This collaboration helps ensure that people with disabilities have access to the best available technologies and that the market for electronic assistive devices continues to grow and develop.

The role of digital interfaces and APIs

In the world of electronic assistive devices , APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a central role. These interfaces enable assistive devices to access and communicate with different digital systems and platforms. One example is the integration of accessibility APIs into operating systems, which allow screen readers to access the content of a website or application.

Through the standardized use of APIs, developers can ensure that their products are accessible and can be used by people with different disabilities. BEH eV is committed to ensuring that such interfaces are open and accessible in order to ensure the compatibility of assistive devices with a variety of platforms.

Conclusion: An association with great importance

The Federal Association for Electronic Aids plays a crucial role in the development and promotion of technologies that enable people with disabilities to live barrier-free lives. Through close cooperation with developers, researchers, political actors and society, the association helps to make electronic aids accessible to more and more people.

In a world where digital technologies are omnipresent, it is of the utmost importance that people with disabilities can also participate in them without restrictions. BEH eV ensures that this path is paved and that accessibility is constantly developed further - for an inclusive society in which no one is excluded.