Category: Marketing

Accessibility Reinforcement Act

The Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BFSG) was passed in Germany to improve access to products and services for people with disabilities. It implements the EU directive on accessibility requirements for products and services (European Accessibility Act - EAA) and aims to promote an inclusive society. The following article provides a detailed insight into the law, when it comes into force, to whom it applies and what exceptions exist. It also explains how the law relates to so-called "plain language".

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Priming or priming effect simply explained

The term "priming" comes from psychology and refers to the preparation of a stimulus-response pattern. The phenomenon can be translated as initiation, preparation. Priming effects and the resulting behaviors are particularly common.

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Search engines other than Google

Most Internet users search via Google. However, there are also numerous other interesting search engines. We list some of them here: Interesting search engines other than Google 1. Bing 2. DuckDuckGo

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The connection between SEO and PR

In today's digital world, both search engine optimization (SEO) and public relations (PR) are crucial elements for a company's success. While SEO and PR have traditionally been seen as separate disciplines

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Marketing Automation & CRM for WordPress Groundhogg is a powerful and easy-to-use CRM and marketing automation tool for WordPress that enables businesses to manage and optimize their customer relationships. It offers

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What is Hubspot? Hubspot is a software platform that helps companies manage their online marketing and sales activities. It offers a range of tools that help companies to generate more leads and increase sales.

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Online advertising

Online advertising - How much money do you need to invest to make a sale? How much money you need to spend on online advertising to make a sale depends on a number of factors.

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English advertising slogans - misunderstood

English advertising slogans are chic. English is very popular in the German advertising language. Many companies therefore advertise in Germany with English advertising slogans. But who would have thought that most English advertising slogans

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Holistic marketing

Holistic marketing - what does it mean? You've probably already heard of holistic marketing. But what does this term actually mean? Read here what exactly it entails and what

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Who is Mr. Beast? or how are viral videos made?

In the past year, every video he has posted has reached 20 million views. This consistency is unprecedented even among YouTube's biggest stars. "He lives on a different planet than the rest of the YouTube world," said Casey Neistat, a very well-known YouTube star.

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Digital communication for local retailers

PR agency PRO from Rheinzabern with a digital communication concept for local retailers. This concept is designed to enable local retailers to avoid losing sales even during lockdowns or other periods of closure.

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Customer retention & new customer acquisition

Customer retention costs only a fifth of new customer acquisition. Or to put it another way: acquiring new customers is five times more expensive than retaining existing customers. The cost increases many times over when it comes to winning back a lost customer.

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