Category: wordpress

Accessibility Reinforcement Act

The Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz (BFSG) was passed in Germany to improve access to products and services for people with disabilities. It implements the EU directive on accessibility requirements for products and services (European Accessibility Act - EAA) and aims to promote an inclusive society. The following article provides a detailed insight into the law, when it comes into force, to whom it applies and what exceptions exist. It also explains how the law relates to so-called "plain language".

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User-generated content

"User-generated content (UGC) refers to content that is created and published by end users (i.e. not by professional content producers or brands). This can involve a variety of media types,

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WP Migrator

WP Migrator is a WordPress plugin that allows users to migrate their websites from one hosting provider to another or from one domain to another. The plugin was developed,

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Marketing Automation & CRM for WordPress Groundhogg is a powerful and easy-to-use CRM and marketing automation tool for WordPress that enables businesses to manage and optimize their customer relationships. It offers

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WP Rocket

With WP Rocket we have managed to optimize our site significantly. We present the current values in our PageSpeed Insights article. WP Rocket is a caching plugin for WordPress websites.

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Unicode Icon

A Unicode icon is an icon that comes from a standardized alphanumeric character set. Unicode can be used to display text characters, mathematical characters, commercial characters, technical characters and special characters. Which Unicode

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Google Fonts DSGVO

Google Fonts GDPR sheds light on the extent to which the integration of Google Fonts is GDPR-compliant. What are Google Fonts? Google Fonts are initially an interactive directory from Google. In this directory

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