Federal government funding programs

Digital funding program now

The Federal Government's Digital Jetzt funding programme, initiated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with digitalization. It offers financial grants to promote investment in digital technologies and employee training. The program is designed to help SMEs strengthen their competitiveness and successfully master the digital transformation.

Aim of the program:

Digital Jetzt is designed to accelerate the digitalization of the German economy, particularly among small and medium-sized enterprises. The program is aimed at companies that want to invest in digital technologies and expand the digital skills of their employees in order to remain competitive in the long term.

Eligible measures:

The program comprises two main areas of support:

  1. Investments in digital technologies
    • Objective: To support companies in the introduction or optimization of digital technologies.
    • Examples:
      • Introduction of ERP and CRM systems (Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management).
      • Implementation of software for artificial intelligence (AI), cloud applications or big data analysis.
      • Digital platforms for e-commerce and digital market development.
      • Automation and networking of production and business processes.
      • Introduction of IT security solutions.
  2. Investments in the qualification of employees
    • Objective: To promote further training measures to improve employees' digital skills.
    • Examples:
      • Training and further education in the areas of IT, digital technologies or data protection.
      • Measures to develop digital skills in areas such as e-commerce, data analytics and digital business models.
      • Training on the use of new technologies that are introduced in the company.

Who can be supported?

The program is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from all sectors, including craft businesses and liberal professions. The requirements are

  • Company size: Companies with 3 to 499 employees.
  • Permanent establishment or branch in Germany.

An important prerequisite is that the company must present a digitalization plan. This plan describes the planned investments in digital technologies and training measures as well as their benefits for the company.

Funding amount and funding rates:

The amount of funding varies depending on the size of the company and the type of investment planned. Here are the most important details:

  • Funding amount: Grants range from 17,000 euros to a maximum of 50,000 euros per application.
  • Funding rates:
    • Companies with 3 to 50 employees receive a subsidy of up to 50 %.
    • Companies with 51 to 250 employees receive a subsidy of up to 45%.
    • Companies with 251 to 499 employees receive a subsidy of up to 40%.

Funding of up to 100,000 euros is possible for company alliances (e.g. consortia, networks).

Procedure of the promotion:

  1. Create a digitization plan:
    • Companies must draw up a digitalization plan in which they explain their planned investments in technologies and training measures. The plan should clarify the objectives and the added value for the company.
  2. Online application:
    • The application is submitted via an online portal. The portal is accessible on the BMWK website, but the funding program is limited during certain periods as it is very popular. Applications can only be submitted during the open time slots that are announced on the portal.
  3. Examination of the application:
    • Once the application has been submitted, a funding agency examines the digitization plan and decides whether to approve the funds.
  4. Implementation of the measures:
    • Once the application has been approved, the company has 12 months to implement the planned measures. The funding is paid out after successful implementation.
  5. Verification and billing:
    • At the end of the project, the companies must provide evidence of the use of the funding. This includes invoices, proof of training courses carried out and other documents.

Advantages of the program:

  • Financial support: The grants reduce the financial hurdles for SMEs to invest in digital technologies and employee training.
  • Flexibility: Companies can invest in both technology and employee training, which enables a holistic approach to digitalization.
  • Support for all sectors: The program is aimed at companies in all industries, regardless of their sector or type of activity.
  • Funding for digitalization networks: Companies can join forces and submit applications as a network to implement digital projects together.

Examples of funded measures:

  • Introduction of a new e-commerce platform: A company expands its sales through a digital online store that can also be used internationally.
  • Automation of production processes: A craft business introduces digital manufacturing technologies that make production more efficient and cost-effective.
  • Employee training on digital tools: A company trains its employees in the use of a new CRM system in order to improve customer service.


The Digital Jetzt funding program offers valuable support for SMEs that want to drive forward their digital transformation. It addresses both technological equipment and the necessary further training for employees and enables companies to position themselves for the future. With flexible funding options and a relatively simple application process, the programme is particularly attractive for SMEs that have not yet exhausted their digitalization potential.