Federal government funding programs

Federal government funding programs for the creation and optimization of websites

There are various funding programs and grants in Germany that support companies and the self-employed in creating or improving their websites. Here are some relevant programs:

Program overview

1. go-digital

  • Description: The "go-digital" programme of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and craft businesses with digitalization. One focus is the creation or optimization of websites as well as measures for digital market development.
  • Funding: Up to 50% of the consultancy costs, maximum €16,500.
  • Prerequisite: Companies with fewer than 100 employees and an annual turnover of less than 20 million euros.

2. digital now

  • Description: Another BMWK programme that supports small and medium-sized enterprises with digitalization. It also includes the modernization and development of websites and the implementation of digital technologies.
  • Funding: Grants of between 30% and 50% of the investment costs, depending on the size of the company.
  • Prerequisite: SMEs with 3 to 499 employees.

3rd Mittelstand Innovative & Digital (MID)

  • Description: The "MID" funding program in North Rhine-Westphalia is aimed specifically at small and medium-sized enterprises. It also includes the promotion of measures to improve the digital infrastructure, including the creation and optimization of websites.
  • Funding: Grants of up to 40% of the costs, up to a maximum of €15,000.
  • Prerequisite: Companies with up to 250 employees based in NRW.

4. country and EU programs

  • In many federal states, there are additional funding programs that are specifically tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. Here, too, the creation of a website can be considered an eligible project.
  • Example: The "DigiBonus II" funding programme in Bavaria offers grants of up to €10,000 for digitization measures, including the website.

5. start-up grant

  • There are various programs for start-ups and founders, such as the EXIST start-up grant or regional funding. These programs also support founders in developing a professional online presence.

6. promotional programs of the KfW

  • KfW Bank offers various promotional loans that can also be used for digitization projects. The loan conditions are particularly favorable.

7th Creative Europe

  • At European level, there is the "Creative Europe" program, which promotes creative projects, including digital media presence.