Federal government funding programs

go digital funding program

The federal government's go-digital funding programme, initiated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and skilled trades businesses in their digitalization efforts. The program aims to make companies more competitive by helping them to use digital technologies and improve their business processes, market presence and IT security.

Aim of the program:

The program offers financial support for companies that want to expand their digital skills and digitally transform their business models. This includes the optimization of business processes, the expansion of digital sales channels and protection against IT risks.

Eligible modules:

go-digital is divided into three modules from which companies can select one or more in order to implement targeted digital measures:

  1. Digitized business processes
    • Objective: To support the automation and digitalization of processes in the company.
    • Examples: Introduction of ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning), digital document management, digital workflows and electronic invoicing.
  2. Digital market development
    • Goal: Helping companies to open up new markets digitally and expand their reach.
    • Examples: Development or optimization of a professional web presence, e-commerce platforms, online marketing strategies (e.g. SEO, social media marketing).
  3. IT security
    • Objective: To improve IT security in order to protect companies from cyber risks and data loss.
    • Examples: Development of secure IT infrastructures, introduction of IT security concepts, protection against data loss and cyber attacks.

Who can be supported?

The program is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and craft businesses that meet the following requirements:

  • Less than 100 employees
  • Annual turnover or balance sheet total of no more than 20 million euros
  • Permanent establishment or branch in Germany

Type and scope of funding:

  • Funding rate: Up to 50% of the consultancy costs are funded. The maximum funding amount is 16,500 euros.
  • Consultation period: The maximum consultation period is 30 days, which must be completed within a period of 6 months.

Procedure of the funding process:

  1. Contacting an authorized consulting company:
    • Companies must contact a consulting firm authorized by the Federal Government to assist them with the application and implementation of the project. A list of authorized consultants is available on the BMWK website.
  2. Preparation of a consulting plan:
    • Together with the consultant, an individual plan for the digitalization of the company is drawn up, which serves as the basis for the funding application.
  3. Application:
    • The application for funding is submitted by the consulting firm, which also handles communication with the funding agency.
  4. Implementation of the consultation:
    • Once the application has been approved, the implementation of the digitalization measures begins. The consultant accompanies the company through the entire process and implements the planned measures.
  5. Verification and billing:
    • Once the project has been completed, a final report is drawn up and the costs are settled with the funding body. The consulting company takes over the processing of the entire subsidy settlement.

Advantages for companies:

  • Cost savings: Companies only have to pay half of the consulting costs, which lowers the financial hurdle for digitization.
  • Expertise: By working with certified consulting companies, SMEs benefit from professional support and customized solutions.
  • Holistic approach: The three modules provide comprehensive support - from improving internal processes to digital market development and protecting IT systems.

Examples of eligible measures:

  • Development of an e-commerce system to expand online sales.
  • Introduction of a digital document management system to automate administrative processes.
  • Implementation of IT security management to protect the company from cyber threats.


The go-digital program offers valuable support for SMEs and craft businesses that want to expand their digital capabilities. It covers a wide range of measures, from the digitalization of business processes to IT security, and helps companies to strengthen their competitiveness in the digital economy.