Federal government funding programs

Innovative SME & Digital (MID) funding program

The Mittelstand Innovativ & Digital (MID) programme of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia is a funding programme that supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in strengthening their digitalization and innovative power. The aim of the program is to make SMEs in NRW more competitive and improve their innovative capacity through the introduction and use of digital technologies.

Aim of the program:

The MID programme is aimed specifically at SMEs and promotes projects that focus on digitalization and innovation. The aim is to support companies in using modern technologies, digitalizing their business processes, developing innovative products and services or making internal processes more efficient.

Eligible measures and modules:

The program comprises various funding modules that are tailored to the different needs of SMEs. Companies can apply for one or more of these modules, depending on the measures they wish to implement.

1. MID digitization:

  • Objective: To promote the digitalization of business processes and workflows in companies.
  • Examples:
    • Introduction of ERP or CRM systems (Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer Relationship Management).
    • Implementation of cloud solutions to improve internal and external communication.
    • Automation of production processes and workflows.
    • Development of a new digital IT infrastructure.

2. MID innovation:

  • Objective: To promote research and development projects in order to develop innovations.
  • Examples:
    • Development of new digital products, services or business models.
    • Introduction of innovative technologies to open up new markets or expand existing market positions.
    • Research and development to improve production processes.

3. MID analysis:

  • Objective: To support feasibility studies and analyses that serve to prepare digitization or innovation projects.
  • Examples:
    • Preparation of feasibility studies for digital technologies.
    • Analysis of the potential for new technologies in the company.
    • Market and competition analyses for the introduction of digital solutions.

4th MID voucher:

  • Objective: Provision of vouchers that can be used for consulting or development services in the field of digitalization and innovation.
  • Examples:
    • Consulting services for the introduction of digital processes and technologies.
    • Support in the selection of suitable digitization measures.
    • Professional support in the implementation of innovation projects.

Who can be supported?

The MID program is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based in North Rhine-Westphalia that meet the following criteria:

  • Company size: Up to 250 employees.
  • Annual turnover: Up to 50 million euros or a balance sheet total of no more than 43 million euros.
  • Permanent establishment: The company must have its registered office or a branch in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Type and scope of funding:

The MID programme offers grants to provide SMEs with financial support for the implementation of digitalization and innovation projects. The amount of funding varies depending on the module and type of project:

  • Funding rate: The funding rate is up to 80% of the eligible costs.
  • Subsidy amounts:
    • Grants of up to 15,000 euros are available for MID digitization.
    • Companies can receive up to 40,000 euros for MID innovation.
    • Subsidies of up to 10,000 euros are possible for MID analysis.

The funding can be used for external consulting and development services as well as for the acquisition of technologies.

Procedure of the promotion:

  1. Project planning and selection of the funding module:
    • Companies identify which measures they want to implement and select the appropriate funding module. This depends on whether they want to digitalize their processes, develop innovative products or carry out a feasibility study.
  2. Application:
    • The funding application is submitted online via the NRW funding portal. The application must contain a detailed project description explaining the planned measures and the benefits for the company.
  3. Examination of the application:
    • Once the application has been submitted, it is reviewed by the responsible authority. In doing so, attention is paid to whether the project meets the objectives of the funding program and whether it is economically and technologically viable.
  4. Implementation of the project:
    • Once the funding has been approved, the company can start implementing the project. Implementation often takes place in collaboration with external service providers or technology developers.
  5. Verification and billing:
    • After completion of the project, the companies must provide evidence of the use of the funding. This includes the submission of invoices, reports and other documents proving that the measures were carried out properly.

Advantages of the MID program:

  • High funding rate: With a funding rate of up to 80%, SMEs can cover a large part of their project costs and thus implement their digitization or innovation projects at a significantly lower cost.
  • Versatile funding: The programme covers a wide range of digitalization and innovation measures, allowing companies to respond flexibly to their individual needs.
  • Simple application: The application is made online and is relatively straightforward, which facilitates access to funding.
  • Strengthening innovative capacity: SMEs receive targeted support to develop innovative technologies and digital solutions that strengthen their competitiveness.

Examples of funded measures:

  • A production company introduces a digital production control system that makes production processes more efficient and avoids bottlenecks in production.
  • A service company is developing a new digital platform to improve customer communication and increase sales.
  • A craft business conducts a feasibility study to examine the use of robotic technologies in production.


The Mittelstand Innovativ & Digital (MID) programme is a valuable funding instrument for SMEs in North Rhine-Westphalia that want to drive forward their digitalization and develop innovative technologies. With a high level of financial support and flexible funding modules, it offers companies the opportunity to modernize their processes and position themselves for the future.