WordPress agency
from the Southern Palatinate

creative, reliable, inexpensive

Your website = your sales center

Our websites comply with the Barrierefreiheitsstärkengesetz (BFSG), which comes into force on June 28, 2025. It is intended to ensure digital accessibility for all people.

Professional WordPress agency for your online business

Are you looking for an experienced WordPress agency to help you optimize your online presence and make your business a success? With pleasure!

As a WordPress agency, we offer you comprehensive solutions for building, maintaining and developing your WordPress website. Our websites not only look good, they also function technically flawlessly and achieve a high level of visibility.

Our team of experienced developers, designers and online marketing experts will turn your ideas into impressive, user-friendly websites - tailored to your individual wishes and requirements.

Enquire free of charge and without obligation:

What sets us apart as a WordPress service provider - in a nutshell

  • Yes, exactly. We have more than 20 years of experience in creating websites. And yes, we are and work straightforwardly.
  • All websites that we create are "ready" for the Accessibility Reinforcement Act, which will come into force in June 2025.7 You will receive a largely accessible website without having to book this topic separately. Why: Because we have been familiar with this area for many years and intuitively pay attention to accessibility. On special request, which is particularly important for public institutions, we will carry out a DEEP TESTING on accessibility for a fee. Why do we mention that you "only" receive a largely "barrier-free website"? Quite simply because language also plays an important role in this context. Texts should be formulated in "simple language" or even better in "easy language".
  • You can rest assured that you will have a contact person who can be reached within a short time. Our customers also appreciate the fact that we are always open to marketing questions and realize feasible and successful ideas.
  • We think cost-optimized. In other words, we stick to the budget and, in 99% of cases, find a solution to meet additional customer requests in a cost-optimized manner.


In any case, the result is always a website that converts.

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WordPress - flexible, user-friendly, sustainable and scalable

WordPress is an extremely versatile content management system (CMS) and offers a wide range of possible uses - from simple blogs to complex corporate websites. Its flexibility and user-friendliness make it attractive for both small and large projects.

Overall, the flexibility and customizability of WordPress makes it the ideal solution for websites of any size - from small, simple sites to large, complex web applications for corporations.


We are a WordPress agency with many years of experience and know many areas of application for WordPress

As a WordPress agency, we know that WordPress is suitable for many different types of websites. From small business websites to websites for large corporations. It continues with learning platforms and communities. There is no area in which WordPress cannot be used as a basic CMS for a website.

Blogs and personal websites

WordPress began as a blogging platform and is ideal for personal blogs or simple information websites.

Small business websites

For small businesses, WordPress offers a cost-effective way to create a professional and appealing website. Thanks to the large number of ready-made themes and plugins, these websites can be quickly adapted to individual requirements.

Group and company websites

Thanks to its scalability and the ability to be expanded through individual programming, WordPress is also used by large corporations. It supports extensive content management requirements, multilingual websites and complex structures.

Education and learning platforms (LMS)

Extensions such as LearnDash can also be used to create e-learning platforms on WordPress that integrate courses, exams and learning materials.

Community websites and forums

With plugins such as BuddyPress or BuddyBoss, WordPress can be converted into a social media or community platform to operate forums, member areas or networks.

E-commerce websites

With plugins such as WooCommerce, WordPress can easily be transformed into a powerful e-commerce platform. Small online stores as well as larger, complex e-commerce sites, B2B platforms and multi-vendor stores through to auction platforms can be implemented.

Portfolios and creative websites

Artists, designers and photographers can use WordPress to create appealing portfolio pages to showcase their work. There are many themes that focus specifically on visual presentation and aesthetics.

Job portal

WordPress can be used in a variety of ways, not least for job portals. These are interesting for many application groups: for "job brokers" as well as for large companies and corporations that want to digitize the application process.

We have only listed a few examples of possible applications for WordPress here. As a WordPress agency with many years of experience, we know that there are other possible applications, such as recipe portals, wiki applications, catalogs, encyclopedias, event portals and much more.

Would you like to realize a project with WordPress? Ask us: ks@pr-agentur.pro or call us on 0176 407 838 90

Why use a WordPress agency at all? WordPress is so easy, I can create the site myself!

The question is quite justified. Why a WordPress agency? WordPress is easy to use and even a layman can create a website with it. You will certainly need a WordPress expert when it comes to complex sites. An online store can also be created relatively quickly with WordPress and WooCommerce. But when it comes to special settings and configurations such as B2B, different price displays for different target groups and other issues, you will quickly reach your limits as a layperson. In short: with a WordPress expert at your side, you are well advised.

WordPress agency

WordPress market share

WordPress has a remarkable market share in the field of content management systems (CMS) and website development. According to current statistics (as of 2024), WordPress dominates the CMS market and has a significant share of the global number of websites. The market share in the CMS sector is between 63 and 65%. The share of all websites worldwide: 43 to 45%.


Market share in the entire CMS sector

WordPress compared to other CMS:

  • Shopify and Wix are far behind WordPress with market shares of around 3-4%, which underlines their niches in the areas of e-commerce and simple drag-and-drop solutions.
  • Joomla and Drupal, once strong competitors of WordPress, have market shares of less than 3% and around 1.5% respectively and play a much smaller role today.

These figures show how dominant and popular WordPress is, which is partly due to its flexibility, expandability and large community. The figures also show that a WordPress website is sustainable and scalable.

Advantages through expandability and adaptability:

Countless extensions and plugins

WordPress offers thousands of plugins that can extend the functionality of the site, e.g. for SEO, security, performance optimization, e-commerce or social media integration.

Individual programming

WordPress can be adapted precisely to specific requirements by customizing the code or creating your own plugins. This is particularly important for companies that require special functions that go beyond standard solutions.


WordPress offers many ready-made designs (themes) that can be adapted to a company's corporate identity. Developers can also create customized themes that meet the exact requirements.

Advantages of the widespread use of WordPress

As a WordPress agency, we see one of the biggest advantages in its widespread use. This is because the website operator is not dependent on a specific agency or developer.

Large developer community

As WordPress is widely used around the world, there are many web designers and developers who specialize in WordPress. This means that you are not dependent on one particular agency or person. Should it ever be necessary to hire a new agency or another developer, this is possible without great difficulty.
In this context, also take a look at wordpress.org

Low entry barriers

Many designers and developers are familiar with WordPress, as it is well documented and easy to learn. This also facilitates the transfer and maintenance of websites.

Regular updates and security

WordPress is regularly updated to add new functions and close security gaps. Due to its widespread use, there are also a large number of security plugins and measures to optimally secure websites.

7 important preurparts towards WordPress

There are some common preconceptions about WordPress, but these are often based on misunderstandings or outdated information. As a WordPress agency, we would like to list some of the most common prejudices and their reality below:

WordPress prejudice 1
WordPress is only suitable for blogs

Preconception: WordPress is only a blogging platform and not suitable for professional or complex websites.
Reality: WordPress may have started out as a blogging platform, but today it is a complete content management system (CMS) used for a wide variety of websites - from simple blogs and corporate websites to e-commerce platforms, forums and learning management systems. Large companies and institutions use WordPress to run their websites.

WordPress prejudice 2:
WordPress is insecure

Prejudice: Due to its widespread use, WordPress is susceptible to security problems and hacker attacks.
Reality: As with any popular system, websites that are poorly maintained or not updated are vulnerable to attacks. However, WordPress itself is not insecure. Regular updates and the use of security plugins (e.g. Wordfence, Sucuri) offer a high level of protection. Many security problems are caused by outdated plugins or themes, not by WordPress itself. Therefore, the technical maintenance of any website - with or without WordPress - plays a major role.

WordPress prejudice 3:
WordPress is slow

Preconception: WordPress-based websites are inherently slow and have poor loading times.
Reality: The speed of a WordPress site depends heavily on the server configuration, the plugins used and optimization. With suitable hosting solutions, caching plugins (e.g. WP Rocket), optimized images and clean code, a WordPress website can be just as fast as any other platform.

WordPress prejudice 4:
WordPress is not suitable for large websites

Prejudice: WordPress is only suitable for small or medium-sized websites and is not scalable for larger websites with high traffic.
Reality: WordPress is highly scalable. Large websites such as BBC America, The New Yorker and TechCrunch run on WordPress. Through the use of powerful hosting, caching strategies and optimization techniques, WordPress can easily handle large websites with millions of visitors.

WordPress prejudice 5:
WordPress websites all look the same

Preconception: All WordPress sites are based on ready-made themes and therefore look similar or identical.
Reality: Although there are many ready-made themes, WordPress is extremely flexible and allows fully customized designs. With the right development and an individual theme, every WordPress site can be uniquely designed.

WordPress prejudice 6:
WordPress requires constant updates, which is time-consuming

Prejudice: The constant updates of WordPress, plugins and themes are tedious and risky, as they can cause errors on the website.
Reality: Updates are necessary to close security gaps and add new functions. The process is usually simple and can even be automated. Errors are usually caused by outdated plugins or incompatibilities, which is why it is important to use carefully selected and well-maintained plugins.

WordPress Prejudice 7:
WordPress is free and means it is inferior

Prejudice: Since WordPress is free, it cannot offer the same quality as paid CMS.
Reality: WordPress is open source, which means that it is constantly being developed and improved by a global community of developers. Many highly professional websites and large companies use WordPress because it is flexible, expandable and capable of meeting complex requirements.

If you are now curious to have a website created with WordPress, we would like to recommend our price calculator for websites. There is no ONE ANSWER to the question "WHAT DOES A WEBSITE COST" or "HOW MUCH DOES A WEBSITE COST". This always has to be considered on a very individual basis, because the wishes regarding a website are very different. As a WordPress agency with many years of experience, we know this only too well.

Price calculator for websites

Would you like to know how much a website costs? Then use our price calculator for websites here. 


Last but not least:
As a WordPress agency, we know how you can "transform" your online presence into an active sales center.

Imagine you have a website and experience

  • who was on the website and
  • how long, which pages and content this person has looked at.


Keep imagining:

  • You can click to save the person who visited your website in your CRM and follow up on the contact.
  • A website visitor fills out a form and the data record from the form immediately ends up in your CRM. And it is also GDPR-compliant.


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